2 the truth

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Phils pov
Phil woke up the night before phil sat up all night looking at littles and how they act like kids and wanna be treated like kids phil got up and went to brush his teeth he thought about being dans caregiver and as on time dan woke up
He walked over to the bathroom
*Phil listen it's ok if you think I'm weird-* he was cut off by phil
*Dan it's ok I looked everything up and I really wanna be you caregiver I don't know if it's to soon but-*
*Phil I would love that*
*Listen don't be afraid to go into little space around me anymore ok?*
*Ok Philly*dan had slipped into little space
*Bubba could you tell me where your little stuff is?* Phil asked and dan turned red
*In my room*dan smiled
*Can you show me everything you have bubba?*
*Yeah come on philly*
Dan dragged phil into his room and pulled out a tiny box
*Look I have my pacifiers my stuffys coloring books* Dan said as he showed phil
*Bubba do you any little clothes?*
*No I only have this Philly* dan pouted
*Well why don't we buy you some baby boy *
*Weally Philly??*
*Yeah come on let's go get the laptop* phil said as he grabbed dans hand
They sat on the couch in the living room
*Philly cartoons please*
*Ok baby*
Phil pulled the laptop out and looked up clothes for littles he found one and went on it
*Baby buck can you come here* phil asked and ran to him
*Tell me what you want* phil said dan sat next to phil and pointed at everything he wanted
Phil bought it and closed the laptop
*It'll be here in a week bub* phil said ruffling dans hair
*Philly hungry* dan said pointing to his tummy
*Ok pancakes baby?*
*Yes Philly*

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