15 halloween party

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Before this chapter starts I just wanna say that bts is in this story because I have no one else in mind to be little friends with dan and they're not always gonna be in story's but if they are I'll put bts so you guys know ok now on we go
3th person
Dan was laying on the couch nothing to do but wait he thought he walked over to phil
*daddyyy I'm boreddddd* he whined
Phil looked down from where he was putting the Halloween decorations on the wall
*well why don't you go watch some tv bub everyone will be here soon*
*noooo daddy play with me peezz*
*bub I'm fixing the decorations so go watch tv*
Time skip because I'm lazy
Phil had finally put up everything as on time The door bell rang
Phil opened the door to be meted not only by hoseok yoongi and jimin but by 4 other people
* oh phil these are my friends you already met them*
*oh yeah hi Jin joonie jungkook and tae tae* phil said
* what are you supposed be philly?* namjoon asked
* I'm Piglet and dans Winnie the Pooh*
*what is you joonie?* dan asked
*gudetama* namjoon said
This is what he looked like

Before this chapter starts I just wanna say that bts is in this story because I have no one else in mind to be little friends with dan and they're not always gonna be in story's but if they are I'll put bts so you guys know ok now on we go3th pers...

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*jin why are you a pumpkin* phil said laughing
* because namjoon started yelling at me to buy it when he seen it* jin sighed

*why is jimin  salad?* phil asked confused as why the tiny boy was dressed as salad * I don't know he started crying for it* hoseok said

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*why is jimin salad?* phil asked confused as why the tiny boy was dressed as salad
* I don't know he started crying for it* hoseok said

*why is jimin  salad?* phil asked confused as why the tiny boy was dressed as salad * I don't know he started crying for it* hoseok said

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*yoonie?* dan asked
*wes?* he replied
* what's you supposed be?* dan said
*Naruto* he said

* hoseok why the hell is yoongi Naruto?* phil asked * because he looks bad ass* hoseok replied * daddy said a no no word* jimin said *hoseok what are you anyway* jungkook asks * I'm dark fucking Vader*

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* hoseok why the hell is yoongi Naruto?* phil asked
* because he looks bad ass* hoseok replied
* daddy said a no no word* jimin said
*hoseok what are you anyway* jungkook asks
* I'm dark fucking Vader*

* hoseok why the hell is yoongi Naruto?* phil asked * because he looks bad ass* hoseok replied * daddy said a no no word* jimin said *hoseok what are you anyway* jungkook asks * I'm dark fucking Vader*

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* Oi stop cursing in front of the children * Jin said as he hitting the back hoseoks head
* fine* hoseok said
* What are you kookie* namjoon ask
* you*
* I mean a nerd*

* jungkook I will Fuc- I mean I well push you out a window if you say that to joonie again* Jin said sounding serious * Ii captain * jungkook said * daddy are you  SpongeBob?* tae asked* he looks more like Squidward* namjoon said sticking out his ...

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* jungkook I will Fuc- I mean I well push you out a window if you say that to joonie again* Jin said sounding serious
* Ii captain * jungkook said
* daddy are you SpongeBob?* tae asked
* he looks more like Squidward* namjoon said sticking out his tongue
* no my daddy looks like a prince* tae said
* no my daddy's more beautiful * namjoon said
* no he's not you stupid egg* tae said
* w-well your a s-s-stupid princess* namjoon said as a sob escaped his lips
Jin immediately picked him up and whispered sweet nothings in his ear
*daddy Am i a pretty Snow White?*
*yes beautiful princess*

* jungkook I will Fuc- I mean I well push you out a window if you say that to joonie again* Jin said sounding serious * Ii captain * jungkook said * daddy are you  SpongeBob?* tae asked* he looks more like Squidward* namjoon said sticking out his ...

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* daddy I want candy now please* namjoon said and immediately stop crying
*of course love bug*
They all ate candy and watched a lot of movies
A lot of candy was harmed in the making of this chapter

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