7 Anxiety in litte space

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Dans pov
Little dan told phil big dan likes him why did he say that maybe phil doesn't remember dan was so stressed he had a anxiety attack as he fell into little space he couldn't breathe he felt like he was dieing
*Philly help*dan said weakly no one heard him
*Daddy please* dan started to sob phil ran in the room to see dan on the floor sobbing his heart out
*Hey what's wrong pumpkin?*Phil said pulling the boy into his lap dan relaxed a little
*Can't breathe daddy feel like gonna die*dan said still sobbing a little
*Shhh daddy's here bub don't worry* he said rocking dan in his arms
Dans sobs became small sniffs
*Daddy wove you*dan said kissing phil on the lips
*I love you more come on let's go watch some cartoons*
*Hungry daddy*dan said rapping his arms around phil
*Ok baby let's go Get you to eat*
*Nooo no leave me*
Phil sighed and picked him up and took him to the kitchen and pulled out dinosaur nuggets dan shook his head and pointed to the baby food phil read that when littles are very stressed they go into baby space phil nodded and picked up the baby food dan giggled happily he grabbed phils finger and put them in his mouth phil pulled a pacifier out of his pocket and popped it in dans mouth phil put dan on the couch and feed him he was a mess
*Bath time bub* he said picking up dan and taking him to the bathroom and pulled his shirt and pants and his panties off
*Daddy no wookkkk*dan whined
*Sweetheart I have to*
*Dan* phil said
Otay phil put him in the bath
*Daddy tome in peez* dan pouted
*I can't baby*
*Daddy don't wove Danny*
*I don't it's just-*
*Do away*dan yelled
*Dan you're breaking one of the-*
*Daddy sowwy*
*Come on let's clean you up* phil sighed
After the bath
*You still getting punished*
*Dan let's go come on*
*What do you want the safe word to be*
*Ok so if it hurts to much just say chocolate* phil said pulling dans pants and panties down
*Now Count*
*CHOCOLATE* dan sobbed phil pulled out some cooling medicine and put some on dans red ass and rubbed it in Circular motions
*I'm sorry baby boy but bad boys get punishments*
*Come on let's get some sleep baby*

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