4 Litte space accident

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Dans pov
*Dan we have to go see Louise to make a video*
*Ok I'm coming ass hole*
*don't worry if you slip I got everything*
*Phil I'm not gonna slip*dan rolled his eyes
*Just in case you do*
*Im not gonna I don't want Louise to think I'm weird*
*Dan it's up to you if you want to but just know if anyone says anything there gonna go threw me*
Time skip to Louise's apartment
*Hey guys come on in*
*DAN PHIL *Darcy yelled hugging them
*Hey Darcy* phil said
*Hi Darcy* dan said
*Dan play with me please* Darcy said
Dan sighed looking at phil for help
*Darcy he doesn't feel well ok?*
*Oh ok*
*Let's go make that video* Louise said
*Yeah let's go* dan sighed
They walked in Louise's room that was full of stuffed animals
Dan tried not to slip but it didn't work
*Philly* he said grabbing phils hand
Hi baby you ok? Phil said and Louise just stood there confused
*Philly want stuff*he said pointing to the bed full of stuff animals
*How about lion* phil said pulling out the lion stuffy and giving it to dan
*tank you Philly* dan said pressing a kiss on phils cheek
*Come on let's go play with Darcy*
*Uppes* he said making grabby hands phil picked him up and put him on his hip
*Warcy* dan yelled
*Dan?* Darcy asked confused as why dan was talking like a 2 year old and holding a stuff lion
*Warcy pway?*
*Ok let's play* Darcy said as she sat down
*Philly?* Dan asked
*Yes bubba?*
*Paci peez*
*Here you go bubs* phil said giving dan the pacifier
*Twank you Philly* dan smiled
Louise still confused asked
*Why is he acting like a kid?*
*Oh it's a thing called little space when adults feel like children*
*It's cute* Louise smiled phils blood was boiling because Louise said dan was cute
*ITS NOT CUTE* phil snap Louise backed away
*Philly what's not cute?* Dan asked confused as to why his caregiver was yelling
*Louise is not cute* phil said sending her a glare
Otay dan said sucking on the pacifier
Phil sat next to him *whatcha playing baby buck?* Phil asked
*Blocks philly*
*You wanna watch a movie with Darcy well me and Louise make num nums for you and Darcy*
*Wes philly*
*What you wanna watch*
*Wion said wion king because that's wions cousin in that movie*
*Really wow lion knows famous people*
*I know fwamous people to Philly*
*Really who?*
*You* dan giggled
*Phillys not famous phils just phil baby* phil said kissing dans Cheek
*That tickles Philly* dan giggled
*Let's watch lion king baby boy*
That night they ate and went home after they watched lion king of course

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