13 scary night

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Dans pov
It was raining and to make it worse i put on IT and I was slipping into little space but I was trying my best not to
I texted Phil his contact name was making it harder not to slip

Me: phil I'm scared please come home

I know baby I'm on my way home :Daddy💘

Me: daddy home now peez

I did it I slipped the Thunder was getting worse by the second I heard the door opening and I started to sob
I felt arms rap around me I got scared first but I realized it was my daddy
*D-d-daddy* I sobbed
*shhhh baby I'm here ok I'm not going anywhere* daddy said as he kissed my head
*daddy wanna be baby no big Danny* I said
* ok sweets do you want help to be baby Danny?*
*wes peez daddy*
*ok bun were gonna drink a bottle and make sleep sleep ok?*
* daddy seep with me peezzzzz*
*of course bub daddy well sleep with you come on*


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