6 Nightmare

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Dans pov
*Philly philly daddy wake up* dan sobbed trying to wake up phil phil shot up out of bed
*Hey bub what's wrong* phil said pulling dan in his lap
*Nightmare daddy* he sobbed phil froze from hearing dan call him daddy
*about what prince?*
*Mama* he sobbed phil sighed knowing it was about his past with his mom and dad
*Shh bub philly is here no one is gonna hurt you* phil said kissing his forehead
*Daddy gonna teep me safe?*
*Yes baby always*
*Daddy's the best daddy ever* dan said nuzzling his face in phils chest
*Let's go back to sleep bubs*
*Daddy tell Danny a story peez*
*Of course once there was this prince name dan and he meet a guy*
*Noo a prince*dan pouted
*He meet a other prince name phil phil was always there for dan and took care of dan*
*And he left dan like everyone does*
*Not true baby I never left you and never will*
*Why does daddy wove Danny so much?*
*I love because your my baby boy*
*You no wove big dan do you you only wike little dan*
*I love you if you're big or little dan ok I love you very much*
*Big dan wove phil but not wike witte dan does*
Phil didn't understand but he he just nodded there eyes both shut and they fall asleep holding each other

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