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I woke up with my back aching as if I slept on a bed of rocks and nails. My head was hurting from the previous day and loud music wasn't helping.

I spent the first few minutes just staring at the ceiling not wanting to get up. I sighed and got up, trudging towards the record player and stopping the music.

I went to the bathroom and saw how my make up was smudged, my hair was all over the place, and some not so cute dried drool was on my cheek. I combed my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then took a shower.

Strawberries. My favorite fruit and smell. Now my hair has the scent.

After my sleeping state has left, I get ready for work. A new job means new coworkers, which means new friends. I always have trouble making friends but hopefully being the assistant to Mr. Ricci will help. He's an old, grumpy dude. Don't tell him I said that.

Getting a cab in New York is harder than in movies. You practically have to chase one down a few blocks before they stop. Uber and Lyft doesn't help either. $5 per mile, pfft you've got to be kidding me. With the amount of miles I have to travel, I would be able to pay a months worth of rent pay. A cab is cheaper.

By the time I get to work, Black and CO., I know I'm already late and will have to deal with some sort of consequences. I mean it's my first day here, I didn't even know it took about an hour to get here with a cab. Next time I'll leave an hour earlier to make it in time.

I slowly make my towards the elevator, my heart thumping at the nerves and embarrassment I'm feeling for being late. In my defense, I'm new to New York. Cali was so much better.

Just as the elevator is about to close, and hand comes in between the doors and stops it. The doors reopen, very slowly. And it reveals a model that would be seen on a Calvin Klein ad. Im pretty sure that my mouth is wide open and I'm probably drooling.

I discreetly try wiping away any nonexistent drool. I stand back straight and try to seem confident. The "model" walks into the elevator looking mighty fine with a black suede suit, and grey dress shirt. Is every guy like that?

He doesn't press a button, just gets on his phone and busies himself.

Once the elevator has reached my floor, he goes out first and walks right into my bosses office while I go to my desk and get everything opened.

I read emails, call back numbers, and add onto an already busy schedule. By the time two hours have past, the male model comes back out with my boss Mr. Ricci. They talk in my boss' native language, and they talk really fast. I catch onto a few words. Tonight, dinner, and son. Holy nuggets, this male model is my boss' son.

I pretend to type into the computer, acting busy when my boss and his son walk by to get to the elevator.

Even in that suit, his back muscles show. Im probably ogling, I shouldn't be. I was late to work and now I'm ogling at the male model.

"Bye Lucas," is what I hear Mr. Ricci say to his son.

Lucas Ricci, sounds good enough.

"Ms. Montas, in my office," Mr. Ricci says as he walks back with a cold, expressionless face.

I'm in trouble. He's going to chastise me for being late. Or for ogling at his son, Lucas.

I knock before I enter for good measures. Once I hear him mutter "come in" I enter and take a seat across his desk.

I immediately notice a family photo. It was Mr. Ricci, Lucas, and a woman who closely resembled Lucas. There was a bar in the far corner, and bar stools. The view in this office might be the best in the entire building.

"What's on my schedule for tonight around the time of 6 in the evening?" He asked.

"Sir, you don't have anything in that slot time as of yet, but you do have some meetings beforehand."

"Great, leave the time from 6 p.m through 10 p.m the latest covered as busy. I will be attending family matters."

"Yes sir, anything else sir?" I ask as I stand up, getting ready to get back to work.

"Would you mind joining my family for dinner tonight Ms. Montas?"

Oh fudge nuggets, I can't say no to my boss.

"I would love to go sir," I say with a smile.

"Good then, that'll be all." He says with a dismissive wave.

Oh jeez, what did I get myself into.

Exactly 804 words

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Exactly 804 words. I wrote the first two chapters on the same day since I wasn't going to school the next day. The song from the first chapter will play a big role into this book. Also will another song that won't be mentioned until some chapters later. Vote, comment, and share.

I'll update once I have the next two chapters finished.

Until next time, byeeeeee.

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