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As the presentation was finishing, Mr. Green never took his eyes off me once. I felt so disgusted even being here.

Walking out the room after bidding my goodbyes was the best thing to happen. I finally left from the line of sight of his.

I got my phone out and called Lucas. While the phone rang, I quickly got into the elevator and went down.

"Hello?" I heard his groggy voice.

"Did you just wake up?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Um...noo," he said dragging out the 'no.'

"Sure you didn't," I said.

"Is anything wrong?" He asked.

I got into my car and started it. I didn't want to answer him. I called him to get my mind off of stuff.

"No, everything's peachy." I said with a happier tone.

"Are you sure? Don't lie to me either Mo," he said.

I looked at the hand holding the steering wheel, the same one he shook and the same one he practically almost broke. I hung up on him.

I sped the car up, going over the speed limit. It was a deserted road. The car hit its speed limit and everything zoomed past me.

The street lights were blurred and the old, abandoned buildings were missed rather than seen with care.

It was a deserted road but random cars did come here. The sun had set with beautiful colors still in the sky.

It was a deserted road...


Lucas' POV

"Hello?" I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I didn't sleep last night since I decided to catch up with work. I had wanted to take an hour nap last night but I think I stayed asleep.

"Did you just wake up?" I heard her beautiful voice.

"Um...noo," I lied.

"Sure you didn't."

After a few seconds I asked, "Is anything wrong?"

I heard her car door close so I knew she would be home anytime soon. Since the day of the...incident, I've been staying with her but in the guest room.

"No, everything's peachy," she answered with a happy tone I knew was fake.

"Are you sure? Don't lie to me either Mo," I said. She didn't want to tell me but she wasn't going to tell me if I didn't at least try to get it out of her.

The dial tone followed after my voice. She hung up on me and I knew I shouldn't have asked her or pushed her to tell me.

She'll be here soon. I know she will.

Imogen's POV

My eyes cracked open to the starry night. The cold, hard cement floor touching my back and the sharp pain coursing through my body was all I felt.

I saw the red and blue lights of police cars and the headlights of a trailer truck. Looking at the right, I saw pieces of a car.

I looked down at my body only to see it covered in blood, my head with a headache, and my body trapped in between my car and the road.

I slightly start to panic at how much blood is on my body. It can't be mine, it can't be mine.

"Ma'am, you are okay. I am Officer Brooks and my team and I are here to help you."

A man came into my blurry line of vision.

"Do you remember your name?" He asked as he used a flashlight to check my eyes.

My name? What's my name?

"Um I think it was Mo. Or that could've been a nickname, I don't remember," I said as fresh tears sprung out my eyes.

"Okay, we'll use that for now. Can you count from 1 to 10 for me while we check out the damages?"

I nodded.

"1...2...3...4..." I started to close my eyes but tried to keep them open.

"5...6..." I couldn't keep my eyes open. The last thing I saw was a blurry figure running towards me.

 The last thing I saw was a blurry figure running towards me

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I'm back, for now. This chapter was something I wasn't going to write until I finished this and started writing Cristiano's book.

But it went in this direction.

Im still writing the other chapters but the motivation is low. This book still has a lot of chapters left and this is probably the middle.  I'll see.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote, comment, and share. Until next time, byeee.

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