WTF Is Wrong With Him?!!

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Nel's POV

I woke up to Kiara crying. I looked over and seen that Ray was still asleep. I shook him lightly "Ray" I said. "Hmm?" He said half asleep. "Its your turn to get her." I said yawning. "No it aint. You get her." Ray said turning over. "Ugh!!" Kiara only got louder. I got up and and picked her up. Her diaper was fine so she must be hungry. I wrapped her up cuz it was cold in the house and took her downstairs. I layed her down in her rocker so i could make hr bottle. She started to cry again. "Mommys going as fast as she can Kiki." I said. I was looking for the formula and there was none. TF?!! I told Ray to pick some up yesterday. I looked in her diaperbag and there just enough for a small bottle. I shook it up and sat on the couch. I held her in my arms and fed her. She fell asleep while i was feeding her. She had to burp tho. I sat her up and started to pat her back. She started to cry. "You have to burp baby girl." I said patting her back. She finally burped. I wraped her up and walked upstairs to the bedroom. I layed her down in her crib and walked to Rays side. I was pissed he hasnt done anything since she came home. I kicked the side of the bed and he jumped up. "WTF is wrong with you?!!" He yelled. Luckily Kiara didnt wake up. "1 You need to lower your voice. and 2 i need you to watch her for like 10 minutes while i go to the store." I said. "What do you need to go to the store for?" He asked. I sware im so close to slapping him!! "Cuz your dumb ass didnt buy formula like i asked you to!!" I yelled. "Sorry babe." He said rubbing his face. "Dont sorry babe me. Watch your daughter." I said grabbing my purse.

They didnt have the right one at the store by our house so i had to go to a different one farther away. I bought 5 cans. It should last a little while. I walked inside and heard Kiara screaming at the top of her lungs. I ran upstairs and Ray was just sitting there watching tv!! "You dont fuckin here her?!!" I yelled. "I gave her, her bottle and she just kept crying. So i thought she didnt like me bothering her." He said. I walked over to her and had sat the bottle on top of her. She had choked and thrown up ALL OVER!!  "Ray she was choking!!! She cant hold her own damn bottle!!" I yelled whiping her off with a whipy. He didnt say anything just got up and left the room. I got her undressed and changed her. She smiled at me for the first time!! The firtst time she smiled was at Prince at the hospital. But i just started laughing. "Your such a pretty girl mammas." I said putting her shirt on. She smiled bigger. "Your just so happy today. Huh?" I said picking he up. I packed her diaper bag and put her in the carseat. I walked downstairs and Ray was sleep on the couch. I walked out slamming the door knowing i woke him up. Heheheheh i am such a bitch. Lol. I put her in the car and headed to Rays moms house.

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