Chapter 22

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Jungkook hurried to the rooftop,keeping his sword with him just in case, Beast is too big to be hidden in a small place and only has there to go. He tried his best to climb to the rooftop even with a little bit of struggle. It was night and was raining hard. Whoever was on the rooftop would be soaking wet.

Jungkook got even more wet as he landed his feet on the rooftop. He looked around and found no one, he walked, then started running. Suddenly, there was a large fire that suddenly appeared. He rushed to where it came from. He took out his sword and found a dragon (the red queen) trying to burn Chorong and Beast.

Chorong was right behind Beast and he covered her protectively but he knew he wasn't fireproof. The dragon get blowing it's fire at them but the fire was only going to one person. It may hit Beast first, but the fire was focused on Chorong.

Jungkook panicked, he ran straight to the dragon with his sword out and stabbed the dragon's neck. The dragon yelped in pain and tried to shake Jungkook off. "RUN!" Jungkook yelled to them and they did, he was distracting the dragon so they could escape.

The dragon was getting annoyed, it picked Jungkook up and threw him to another spot on the roof and pulled the sword out of it's neck and chased after Chorong. Jungkook ran to his sword and after the dragon. He sneaked behind the dragon and hid behind the chimney. The rain was starting to make the rooftop even harder to stand on.

Jungkook was trying to keep his balance as he waited for the perfect moment to attack the dragon. The dragon was standing still, it's back facing him, it was a perfect moment to stab it's back but when Jungkook took a step closer to it, Chorong was standing right in front of it.

She was standing tall, staring at the dragon in the eyes. What is she doing? Jungkook wondered. Her hair was soaking wet in the rain, her eyes gently staring at the dragon, the dragon was still. Then, Jungkook found Beast slowly coming at the dragon from behind. He finally understood the situation.

Beast tackled the dragon from behind and the dragon fell forward. It couldn't hit Beast with its fire because he was behind it. Beast scratched the dragon with it's claws and the dragon yelped in pain. The dragon tried to shake Beast off but Beast held on tight until he either kills the dragon or put it unconscious.

Jungkook wanted to help but what could he do? Jungkook then ran past the dragon and Beast and looked for Chorong. She can't be far. He looked left and right but in rain, his eyesight was a bit blurry.

He couldn't see her, and because of that he began to panic. Suddenly, he heard the dragon yell even louder in pain, it was slowly dying. Jungkook took the chance and while Beast held the dragon still, Jungkook stabbed it in the chest. The dragon screamed and fell. It was finally dead.

It fell on the rooftop and was slowly sliding down then hit the ground. Beast slowly fell to his knees and Jungkook ran to him. "Are you alright?" he asked. Beast moved his hand from his stomach and it was bleeding, he fell unconscious.

The rain was slowly disappearing and they heard someone yell "JIN!!!". Jungkook looked back and found Chorong running to Beast in such a hurry. Moonbin was behind her "Moonbin, go get a first aid kit" Jungkook ordered and Moonbin left to get one.

The clouds were disappearing, the sun was shining, but Beast laid there weak and bleeding. Chorong had tears "just wait, Moonbin will be back so we can cover that wound". Beast smiled weakly at her and held her hand "It's alright, I'm fine". Chorong nodded, keeping the tears from coming out.

Moonbin was taking too long. Beast was getting weaker as he slowly spoke "I love you" but Chorong was having such a hard time trying to stop herself from crying to answer him. Beast's eyes were closing. "No, Jin, Jin, don't close your eyes. Jin please don't close those eyes" Chorong pleaded but he disobeyed her and his eyes closed.

"No!" Chorong yelled and she rested her head on his chest and let the tears fall on him. Moonbin came but Jungkook stopped him and shook his head telling him it was too late. Moonbin sighed and while Chorong cried, something on Beast began to glow.

Chorong lifted her head and Beast began to float. He kept rising in the air and he began to glow. Everything was changing, his body, his hands, his feet, and his face. He began to look human, the man he always was.

He came back standing on his feet but Chorong was too shocked to go to him. She wiped her eyes "Jin?" he nodded. "It's me, Chorong" Jin said. Chorong smiled happily and ran to him for a hug. "You're alive" Chorong said with her face in his chest.

Jin hugged her back and smiled. He was about to kiss her but a thought hit her. If Jungkook is in the same story as her, where would she go when she opens her eyes? But she didn't stop Jin, he kissed her lips in happiness that he finally could.

Chorong kissed him back and never wanted to open her eyes, but when she did, everything was black. She was alone, no one with her, and she was wearing what she wore when she arrived to the fairy tale world. She looked at her hand and found Mr.Dog-Cat in her hands. Moonbin became a stuffed toy again. Chorong sighed.

She walked straight wherever she is. There was nothing there, the place was empty, Chorong started to feel scared. She held Mr.Dog-Cat to her chest, and looked around. Suddenly, she found a door ,a wooden door to be exact, and Chorong ran to it. She twisted the knob and opened the door.

Chorong went through and found herself back in the forest she went into. She's back in the real world.

Chorong sighed, "I guess I'm back here". She felt a vibration in her pocket, she looked and found her phone. "I thought I left this in Jungkook's house" she said to herself and found 12 unread messages.

Most of them were from Bomi, Eunji, and her parents like:

Where are you? Suho went to your house and you weren't there, where are you?

Chorong? Sweetie? Please answer our messages, we're worried sick about you


Then there were 30 missed calls. Chorong smiled then her phone died, Chorong sighed then walked straight to where she had parked her car. It was still there. Chorong took out her keys and went in. She seat was hot, makes sense since the car was under the sun for a few days.

Chorong put the seatbelt on the now stuffed toy Moonbin and began driving back home. She parked her car and went inside but before she opened the door she heard two loud voices come from behind her "CHORONG!!!".

Chorong looked back and found Bomi and Eunji run to her. They hugged her tightly and bombarded her with questions. "Where did you go?!" "why'd you leave us?!" Chorong chuckled and asked "I thought you went for vacation?" Chorong asked Bomi "I had to come back for you, the people there were mean anyways" she answered. "What about your job?" Chorong asked Eunji, "something happened, so it's closed for a few weeks" she answered.

"I just went camping for a while, don't worry" Chorong said. "Is that why you're holding Mr.Dog-Cat?" Bomi asked. Chorong nodded "he's comfortable to be with". "Did you take pictures?" Eunji asked. "My phone died, I need to go charge it" Chorong said and they went inside. Eunji and Bomi stayed in the living room and Chorong went straight to her room.

Chorong went to look for her charger but found a piece of paper flying in the air. She caught it and read it 'put Mr.Dog-cat facing the mirror and look straight at it'. She did as told and when she did she smiled so happily with what she saw in the mirror.

Moonbin and Jungkook waving at her.


Thank you for reading until the end :) have a Jin and Chorong picture I edited

Thank you for reading until the end :) have a Jin and Chorong picture I edited

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