Chapter 1 - What will happen ✔

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Eddie laughed. 

"Hurry up, Miss Carpenters, or maybe you want Mrs. Philips to make us write 'I will not be late again '100 times. "

As I was running, I tripped over my shoe. Curse Wallmart and secondhand things but what could I do? I ridicolously fell to the ground while my jacket stuck to a nail and got ripped off. Yeah right.

"I'll get you a new one," Eddie said.

"No, you don't have to. I..I...I... can fix this." But deep inside I'm like ' Oh yes please, I would love that, that's so sweet of you'.

I was limping towards the room as Eddie held my hand. I twisted my ankle. We entered the room and everyone's eyes were on us. They were probably copying a long lesson on the board. 

"Oh look here, Carly's bestfriend got a new boyfriend." Tracy shouted. Carly didn't face me. Blondes. Blondes everywhere.

I am known for that nickname. Just as I told you Carly is the school princess, because she is the principal's daughter. It's like they don't know my name. It's Michelle. Michelle Carpenters. Is that hard enough? 

"He is not my boyfriend." I shouted.

"Miss Carpenters, how dare you shout in front of class. Get to your seat. You too, Mr. Michaels."  Mrs. Philips shouted. I didn't knew she was there. Usually, when there is something long to copy. Our teacher would leave and go to the room next door. She loves to gossip about this and that.

I went to my seat. It was beside Carly. I smiled at Carly but she didn't smiled back instead she nervously turned her head around. I didn't mind. She was always like that. The morning passed so fast having surprise tests and groupworks. And the bell rang, it was time for lunch. Sigh. I enjoy lessons instead of lunch. I am always treated by Carly, and I am slightly embarassed.

"Lunch?" Carly asked. It seemed that she recovered from my embarassing moment. I stood up and joined her for lunch. Sometimes, I don't understand why she is my bestfriend. But my heart always tell me that one day, she will help me in a situation that only she could help. If you look at us from afar, we look like the Princess and the Pauper. Carly wore our maroon uniform so neatly while mine was too big for me. Her chocolate brown hair was curled everyday before she goes to school while I comb mine only with my hand.

At last we reached the cafeteria. Unlike other students Carly stays at school for lunch. She has a special table reserved for me and her. We just sat there and the waiter just served us Vegetable Salad and Grilled Steak. I love eating here, this is the only place I get to eat delicious food. Carly's smile suddenly wore out and again she had a sad face.

"What's the problem?" I said after swallowing that huge slice of Steak. 

"Ummm, sorry Mich," she said.

"For what?"

"For what I did to you a while ago." I can sense sincerity in her voice. She just cares so much of her reputation.

"Oh, that? Don't mind that, silly!" I giggled.

"You know what Mich. You are the bestest friend I've ever had. Mostly, when I do that " snob " thing to my friends, they would hate me forever " 

"I know you, Carly. I am your bestfriend. You are the only one who understands my situation." I said as I held her hand tightly.

"Mich, I promise to you, that whenever you are at the darkest of times. I will be there for you." 

"Promise?" I asked as I raised my little finger.

"Promise!" We did that "promise" sort of thing.

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