Chapter 1

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I had just returned from the Roger family a few days back. They were annoying, but once again, a family that didn't want me. They demanded for me to do every little thing for them and when I refused, bad things would happen. They would  pull my hair, hit me with belts, and make me go days without food. It still makes me wonder to this day how or why these types of people got into the foster care system in the first place.

This family also reminded me specifically of my brother. He would talk on and on and never leave me to one second of my own life. Nathan was my older brother of three years. Once our family perished in a terrible fire, we were sent into an American foster care system, Green Bear Saint Children's Home. Very few orphanages were existence in America at the time. Some of us were orphans, others were fosters. They took in children from different countries, like myself and Nathan. Some were from the states and others didn't speak a lick of English. Nathan had been fostered by this one family as an only child for about six months. I had not been able to see him since then. Surprisingly, with me being there for six years up until 2009, I was not connected to anyone. I grew up learning to not get close to anyone. everyone breaks your heart in some way. I for one had experienced it so many times. I saw kids go into new families each week and eventually get adopted. Some familiar faces return for another day. New days for new families for new secrets. Their histories were clean but yet act like we were money bags or dirty rags off the streets.

I woke up as an early riser that morning. I decided to take a shower, so I didn't have to go to this book club they are having in the cafeteria. I loved reading as much as the next guy, but even they made it boring to the ear. After I finished, Mrs. Dona, the owner, social worker and my best friend, called me from downstairs. There was a new family for me.

There was a decent amount of people in this building, most of which I did not know. Business had been slow, but couples of all sorts from all over came in and took me and only me, but none were suited for me. I went out to families for weeks at a time, but most would return me after they got the paycheck. It was nearing Christmas, which meant I most likely had to do all of their leftover dishes and clean the whole house by myself. That was how most of my families were in this god forsaken world. They looked at you, at your files, keep you sheltered for a few weeks. the dropped your ass back off on the front doorstep before adoption was amended.

I put on my gray, dirty jeans, black high top converse sneakers that filled with dirt, stickers and marker lines from past years. I threw on an emoji shirt and a black jacket. Very rare was it that I ever got new clothing. I walked downstairs combing my hair with the same comb I had since age seven, only a few teeth remaining on it. My hair was naturally blonde, but over time got bored with myself and started to dye parts of my hair black.

"Sarah!" Dona yelled from the front door.

I huffed a breath on the last step and rolled my royal blue eyes through my black framed glasses. I approached her and her four other people who were all very pale. There was a tall man with dark brown hair and eyes. He wore black slacks and a light blue button up shirt. The look on his face was sweet but seemed fake on so many levels.

"Sarah, this is the Johnson family. You will be staying with them for a couple of weeks. Everyone this is Sarah," Dona said and stepped aside so I could see them better. "Their records look clean and they are so happy to finally meet you."

"My name is Joe," said the tall man and shook my hand. "Such a pleasure."

A woman with red lipstick and dress that hugged her curves, black three inch heels and long, brown, wavy hair stepped forward. "My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me whatever you want. I'm so glad I get to meet you." She shook my hands quickly.

Adopted:The Secrets Within Life|Book 1》EditingWhere stories live. Discover now