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The sun shone on a bright Valentine's Day in 2003 West France. Children scampered around while adults talked about common items of daily life. This was a special day in particular. The parents of this child were thrilled to have a little one on the day of love. It was just the right timing. They could not have asked for more.

A personal photographer was taking photos for a future photo album. Susan and Charlie Maxwell dragged their children, Nathan and Sarah, over to the white picket gate for a family photo. The ten year old boy fixed his tiny red bow tie, clipped onto his plaid red and black shirt. The mother patted the hair down on the now seven year old girl.

"Say cheesie wennie," demanded the photographer with a smile greater than the moon.

The family stood very still as the male personnel took their photo. Soon after, Sarah skipped over to her aunt Jackie on her moms side. Family friends left while Nathan sat under a tree. Much time passed until it was time for cake, only nothing ever came. Little Nathan stood  up and squinted at his house in the distance. There were shouts and screams but no one was in the yard besides himself, a few neighbors, his sister and a scampering rabbit and chasing squirrels. Everyone got quiet and looked at the house. Screams got louder and the windows blew back, glass shattering everywhere and those outside fell to the ground. Flames shot out from every opening of the small house. neighbors screamed and ran. They grabbed each child they saw and booked it to the next house over. Nathan stood up and rushed around looking for his family until he found his little sister crouched behind a tree crying. He grabbed her arm and drugged her away.

"Sarah allez!(Sarah come on)" Nathan yelled. "Feu! Allez là où c'est sûr!(Fire! Go where it's safe)"  

"Maman(Mommy)! Papa(Daddy)! Tante(Aunt) Jackie! Oncle(Uncle) Victor! Cousine(Cousin) Louise!" she screamed in French.

She struggled to break free from Nathan's grip, but in return he said nothing, only looking straight forward to the gate. By then they were already over the white gate onto the sidewalk. The fire has spread to the backyard, making it nearly impossible for any lasting survivors to escape. Neighbors piled around. Firemen and police cars arrived on the scene. The fire eventually calmed down some but no sight of one family member.

There, all alone, stood the remaining two. Nathan held his sister close to him. The photographer's old camera and tripod was thrown to the ground by the person himself. Sarah walked over and picked it up. Tears fell from their cheeks and their hearts sped up and broke. Their hair laid messy upon their heads. Small and meek, the bow tie laid lonely on the backyard's grass. The last two stood there helplessly, watching as their lives got torn to bits.

Adopted:The Secrets Within Life|Book 1》EditingWhere stories live. Discover now