Chapter 3

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I felt the wind flow across my face as if I was in the real scene. A sharp pain shot right through my stomach. It was coming to get me! Kill me! No survivors! No! No! Get away! I was suddenly woken up by a very distraught Joe before I realized it was just a dream, a vivid memory. I was letting out small screams out loud for everyone to hear.

"Sarah! Are you alright? You were screaming. Bad dream?" asked a concerned Joe holding my arm and head. "Are you okay to be alone? Do you want me or Elizabeth to stay in here overnight?"

I shook my head no and shut my eyes. Joe got up and left. He was wearing nothing but  his work shirt and orange boxers. Michael and Luna appeared at the door frame behind Liz in her pale pink nightgown. Michael yawned in his plaid pajamas and went back to his room. Luna, still dressed in her outfit from earlier, just stared at me like I was one of her stalkers. She left the door open, so I got out of bed to follow. When I peaked through the door, they were gone in a flash of a second. I sighed and shut the door, the decorations moving above me. I laid down and shut my eyes once again.

The fog cleared and black and white turned to color. Nathan and I were back home. Back in 2003. White picket fence. Massive tree in backyard. Neighbors greet. Family laughed. I saw Nathan as he sat underneath the tree in exhaustion. A chubby-faced squirrel stared me straight into the soul until I Iet out a seven year old childish laugh and ran after it. Under a bush it ran and so did I. It squeaked and I pushed back. In an instant my ears were ringing, my mind went blurry and I was flung further into the bush. Glass shattered, My limbs were cut. Loud noises arouse and bundles of smoke. The sky grew gray. I hugged my knees and covered my ears, trying to soothe myself under my tears. I dreamt of Nathan pulling me away, past the white fence and onto the crowded street. My mind was dizzy until I awoke from The Joe Bro.

It was hard to sleep much after that. The sun rose hours later but little did they know I was ahead of the game. I rolled off the bed when the birds started chirping. Not walked. Not leaped Not crawled. Rolled. I sighed in depression of yet another day I lived. I got dressed in my typical orange and blue striped shirt, thin, black, open sweater, blue jeans and black, high top converse.

A singular light lit the long, dark hallway. I walked past the secret door, not even paying attention to it this time around. I smelled no food, but didn't seem to have an appetite.


I jumped out of my skin, almost falling down the stairs that were about a foot away from the door. I got up off the ground. My heart felt as if it were going to pump right out of my chest, if it wasn't already on the outside. All you could hear was silence, no more breaking of glass or doors. My feet took me to the front of the door. I double thought and placed my pal on the handle. It was still warm to the touch. I looked around, took a deep breath and tried to open the door, but it ended up still being locked.

"Bark! Bark! Bark!" A dog came racing up the stairs.

I screamed a little and fell to the floor. A black, heavy rottweiler jumped on top of me, nails sharp as sin. It barked. Slobber shot from the vast, razor-edged teeth. My face turned scarce. I raised my right arm to protect my face while pushing the dog away with my left, but it fought back. It latches its teeth onto my right arm, ripping my sweater and skin along with it. I let out a screeching cry in excruciating pain. Liz and Joe came running up the stairs as their children came from their rooms one eye open.

"Daisy girl! Heel! Now!" Joe yelled, taking her collar and pulled her off of me.

Her face scrunched, growled and barked. Daisy!? More like Devil! I scooted back to a corner wall as Joe tried to hold back the devil dog. My inner body fluids dripped down from my right arm and the dog's mouth. My black sweater was torn apart, no longer to be used.

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