Chapter 6

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My heart beat sped up and regret overtook my body. I snuck out so quietly that no one could hear a pin drop. Hours had already passed so why come now? After a minute of silence they arrived at the door. Joe pounded his huge fists on the door. Elizabeth's small whisper was heard over him in the background. Zane ducked by the small, round kitchen table and turned the radio off.

"No Elizabeth," I heard Joe say and continued to pound on the door. "Sarah!" he yelled. "Are you in there? I saw a light on the way down here!" He tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Sarah! You better not be in there with that good for nothing Zane!"

"Joe just leave her alone," Liz whispered-yelled, trying not to wake the few neighbors they had.

"Open up!" Joe screamed, ignoring her advice.

Zane looked at me with worried eyes before going to open the door of doom. I held my knees, ducked low and listened in on whatever happened out of my view.

"Good evening Mr. Johnson. What are you doing up at this hour?" Zane asked and rubbed his eyes, pretending like he had just woken up.

"Shut it Harrison. I heard music just a minute ago. Where's Sarah?"

"I'm sorry Zane. I tried to stop him," said Liz from behind her anger issued husband.

"Last time I saw this new Sarah person was a few days ago when her and your pathetic son were getting wood from the backyard just in front of the corn field right there." Zane pointed past them to their rusty, old shed.

"Hey, that's a lie!" Michael snapped. "I saw you earlier at the supermarket talking to her."

Liz looked at Michael for him to quiet down his voice as he fell completely oblivious to the fact that he was just labeled as pathetic.

"Oh yes, I do remember that now. Such a sweet, younglady," Zane commented.

"Yeah watch out," Joe said, not taking his small talk and pushed Zane out of the way, entering the small kitchen.

"Come right in I guess," Zane gestured to the others to also enter.

Joe looked around the room. His huge feet made the floorboards creak. Joe got closer and closer to the chair I got hidden behind to the point he was hovering over me. I looked up through my vivid eyelids to his back that was turned towards me. Luz and Luna stood next to Zane who rubbed his temples. Michael broke personal boundaries and searched in the kitchen cabinets, only to be greeted with a pot and a few dainty snacks.Joe trotted around the living room. His head shot back and forth, left to right until he spotted me crouched in a ball. His angry, red face turned slightly pink, and he smiled with a blink of an eye.

"Sarah," he said calmly. "Can you explain to me what the hell you're doing here?" He grabbed my shoulder with his large hand and forcefully pushed me towards the door.

"How many times do I have to tell you!" His voice began to get louder by every word he spoke. "Can home with us right now or I'll-" He was cut off by Elizabeth blocking the door.

"Babe let her go. She's going through a phase and needs her space. Sarah," she looked at me. "I'm not siding with Joe, but it was very irresponsible. You should have informed us." She paused to look at her small cellular device. "I'll let it slide this time. It's getting late, so be home by one. You have little less than an hour."

"One! We get up early in this house!" Joe threw his fists into the air.

"He found a friend and is adjusting. I gave her a time. Let's go!" Liz grabbed Joe and Michael by the wrists. "Luna, come on sweety."

"I want to stay here for a bit," Luna replied but stopped in her tracks, realizing she may have just messed up. "If that's alright."

Liz slowly nodded before she had dragged a sleepy Michael out of the cabin. Joe grinded his teeth, formed his hands into tight fists and walked madly to the house. Michael drug his feet along. Luna shut the door without any second thoughts. Zane gave me a side hug.

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