Chapter 2

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I was woken up early that next morning by the alarm ringing away on the old alarm clock. I slowly rolled out of bed, cracking my bones as I stretched and went downstairs for breakfast with my pajamas still on. The sweet aroma of pancakes and bacon filled the air. The house was at a still. The morning sun peeked through the tiny window above the sink in the kitchen. No other light was lit. Liz was slaving away over the hot stove. Smoking steam blew back her hair. She wore blue jeans a white, flower printed blouse with a gray scarf. She turned her head once my feet made the floorboards creak. Her mouth formed into a warming grin. I sat before the table ignoring her nice but creepy gesture.

"Sarah, we forgot to tell you," she spoke. "You don't go to school here. You work for us and do school in books on your own time. I know you're out of school, so you don't really need to worry about that part." She passed me a plate and threw half raw bacon to the side. "I know it came out late, but things have been a bit crazy around here lately."

I nodded in reply and pushed the plate away when she wasn't looking. I was known as a 'genius' to most people. I had skipped many grades and was going into college courses, but I was only thirteen at the time. Dona insisted that I went as fast as I wanted since I was being home schooled by her.  When I was with families, I would teach myself with every free chance I got. Numbers and science ran through my genes, although I thought I was like everyone else. I was normal. I never bragged about my intelligence, never had any friends besides Nathan and Dona and never picked up a hobby because I was too busy fighting to survive my life.

Joe, Luna and Michael came rushing down the stairs. Luna wore black jeans and a gray ripped t-shirt with few red stains covering the front, her hair still a nest. Michael wore green cargo pants and a black shirt while Joe sat down in a simple white shirt with dark blue overalls. The morning breakfast went by quickly. Michael ate mine. Adults casually looked at one another without a spoken word.

I finished before everyone else, so I made my way upstairs. I walked past the old, mysterious door. My feet stopped in their tracks as my mind went back thinking.  I heard small whispers coming from within. I placed ,y ear against the chipping oak. For sure there was something that needed to be discovered. My mind told me to leave and forget about it, but my heart told me otherwise. Just as I placed my hand upon the doorknob, there were footsteps coming up the stairs. I darted to my room before anyone saw. I peeked through the keyhole to see Luna swiftly walking down the hallway with arms at her sides looking serious and straight forward.

I did my business and left the room acting like nothing ever happened. I pulled Dona's oversized hoodie over my thin body. Luna peaked out at me. I ignored her and walked down the hall. I still felt her presence on my shoulder I looked back around the corner only to find Luna not standing there anymore. The stairs creaked beneath my feet. Elizabeth called my name before I hit the bottom step.

"Joe and Michael are in the shed chopping wood. You should go help them," she said.

I nodded and made my way out the back door, burring face in the hoodie under the cold winters breeze. The sky was gray but lit from the sun. The grass froze from the morning frost. A high pitch scream came from the shed. I darted through the door to find Joe standing there with blood rushing down his thumb. Michael picked up wood from the ground and put it in a barrel.  I quickly gave him a rag that laid over by a wooden chair.

"Thank you sweetie. Sorry that I screamed like a little girl. I just got a little cut from when I grabbed my axe. It shocked me for a moment. Nothing to worry about." Joe held the rag in place until the bleeding stopped then wrapped up his finger in bandages from the first aid kit. "Hey Sarah, could you help Michael with the wood out back?"

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