Chapter 5

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That morning was lighter. The alarm clock just struck seven am. My head was pounding, but my eyes shot open like all I did was blank. Luna and I had spent a majority of the night sharing stories we remember of families. We couldn't get past the fact that all that was separating us was a foster family and bad timing. I personally could not wait until my eyes went on this for which I had a lot to speak to her about and try to keep my cool. When I tried to move, I was held down by a lightweight. Seconds later my vision came in clear fully. Every movement I made of my head sent a pounding pain to my brain. My eyes blinked at a rapid pace when I realized the room was upside down. I was surrounded by the bright colors of white, pink and blue. I left my head and saw Luna on her stomach, peaceful as she slept away. I was laying sideways, my head hung off the back and my feet touched the wall. Luna laid uncovered with her legs between mine. One leg hung over my front and the other between my thighs.

Slowly I moved inch by inch out from underneath her. Luna's body turned and stirred, and when she moved her legs up to her chest, I took advantage to slither away from her. My socks feet hit the white rug beneath me. I reached my arms behind me and had bent my back slightly to get a quiet painful cracking sound. My shoes had been tossed on the floor along with Luna's and an open popcorn bag. The door was still shut and locked like it had been the day before. We had not left the room after that and I was still dressed in my clothes. The door swung open with a small click. Luna continued to stir on the bed behind me.

Back in my room with the door then shut, I dug and my duffel bag for a nice pair of black jeans ripped out the knees, a wrinkled, white shirt, and a flannel with a plaid pattern of the colors blue, white and gray. The long cut on my forearm had slowly healed into a scar. A bandage had still needed to be worn, but I had taken it off a bit ago. As I looked at my arm, I decided to wrap the flannel around my waist instead of my arms since I would only go the distance of the house to the back shed. My reflection from the window was clear. The morning Frost stuck to the window but was gone in an instant with the swipe of my hand. I studied my face and outfit as grief swept over me. My face and features were very similar to Nathan's. My current outfit, jeans and flannel, was almost identical to what Nathan wore everyday of his early teen years. My last day of seeing him months ago, he wore his outfit the same way. I couldn't stop seeing his face.

Quiet shuffling outside the door shook me back into my thoughts. I ducked underneath to the crack of my door. No paws. No feet. No bark. No talk. No dog. No humans. The coast was clear. Down the hallway my feet carefully took to me. A door opened behind me. Not even waiting to see who it was, I dropped to my knees and started my shoe. I glanced up through my eyelashes and saw Luna tiredly rub her eyes. When she walked past me, she gave me a small, genuine smile. I finished tying my unnecessary untied shoe and quickened my pace to catch up to Luna, but she had already been down the stairs. At the end of the hall, my pace slowed when I heard new footsteps come up the stairs. The mysterious door at the end of the hall had made no sound. I turned the corner to leave down the stairs but bumped into michael. Before I got to apologize, I was pushed against the wall, my wrist at my side till down by a tight grip from Michael's hands.

“Hey there,”Michael smirked with a devilish smile. "You know I am sorry about last night. I didn't mean to hit you in the face. Are you alright? "

“I-I'm okay. T-Thank you.” My words started past my lips.

I was frozen. My body shook and my mind went blank. A family and a small modern house was yelling. A large man grabbed my wrist, shouting at me for doing nothing wrong. His grip was identical to the one holding me at the moment.

“There must be some way I can repay you.”

“No. It was an accident. Please let go of me.”

Before I knew it his face was inches away from my end. My eyes had widen as his shut. My grip on my wrist felt lightened. He puckered his lips and his hot breath raised my lips. Without thinking, I swung my right hand out of his and impacted my hand with his jaw with a loud SLAP. Michael's body jerked. His eyes slowly opened and rubbed his jaw.

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