Chapter 4

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I had just finished the first four Harry Potter books for about the fifth time in my life. It was one of the book series I was able to handle multiple times without ever getting tired of them. My love for them seemed to grow each time I read them. My mother had once owned one of the first copies ever printed, and she always had at least one of the books on her, if not physically than within reaching distance. With the couple of hours I had been stuck in the 'storage' room, I had been able to read at least the thickest book I was able to find. My brain allowed me to read about eight hundred words per minute, so it went by fairly quickly. I wasn't like that my whole life of course. The more I read, the faster I got, and I honestly had nothing better to do with my wife. The small bookshelf, from where the book sat, was filled with books reaching from small, childish books to one thousand page novels. Although, I was bored with reading at that point in my day.

"You may come down for dinner," I heard Joe utter from behind the door mid evening.

I got up from the bed with ease and peeked out the door, looking down at a big pair of shoe covered feet then up at a tall, angry man. Joe stood inches away from the door with no facial expression, but his eyes spoke with fury. Daisy was perched next to him watching me also, no growls or slobber included. As I walked down the hallway and stairs, the presence of Joe and Daisy walking close behind me was known. His hot breath almost sat upon my neck.

We finally got down to the dining room where Elizabeth, Michael and Luna were already seated next to the Christmas tree they put up hours before. Nervously, I sat next to Luna. She did her creepy little side eye and picked up her fork, so I moved my arm away from her. Joe attached Daisy's collar to a chain in the corner of the room next to two empty dishes that sat on the other side of me. We grabbed each other's hands. Both Joe and Luna had an intense grip on mine, making them red and veins to pop out from the top. The past few nights this family had prayed. It was pleasant, but new to me at the time. The tradition never ran through my family, but it was nice enough to start. Although, their prayers were rather strange as they prayed for things they wanted instead of appreciating what they already had. They thanked the lords for giving them my presence.

Luna would always squeeze my hand when my name was mentioned. Her hands were stone cold and she shook more as the days ran by. The meal that evening was pleasant meatloaf, cooked thoroughly, and some green slime from a can. Luna seemed to poke at her food, looking down blankly than eating it.

"Children," Liz spoke as she looked at her husband. "We have an announcement."

Michael and I looked up as Luna's eyes state on her plate in a trance thought. Liz spoke quickly but calmly.

"Sarah, Luna, we were recently informed today that you two are siblings."

My eyes widened and Luna's attention was now caught and she was staring straight at her mother. Her fork was nicely placed down and looked back at her plate, rubbed up and down her arms.

"Really?" Michael asked. "That's weird but cool. I thought they looked similar."

He was the happiest kid I knew but spoke with no enthusiasm that day. He seemed drained out like the rest of us.

Joe placed his cutlery down and folded his hands in front of him. "We got a call from Mrs. Dona because something didn't look right to her. She said that she was going through old files. She found a file from Luna's earlier life, compared, and said that she came from the same family as Sarah."

"Luna," Liz said calmly. "We know you talk. There is no need to hide it now."

"Can I be excused?" was all she asked.

There was a slight sigh that came from Liz. "Yes sweetie, you can. Come tell us what you know when you're ready. We must know. Dona didn't go into full details when we were fostering you, but she definitely left something out."

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