Chapter 3: Rejected

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9:37 p.m. 

As I walk over to the trash can, I see the girl again. She throws her trash away, and walks away towards the front of her house. Out of curiosity I followed her, until she's walking a bit far away from her house. Then, she stops completely.

She kneels down, and stretches out her arm towards something. Just keeping it there for a minute or so until, a black cat cames up to her. I gasp silently as I watch how easily the cat trusted her, soon enough a bunch of cat swarm around her. So many cats! I thought to myself, I almost squeal from excitement.

I look towards her to see that she sat down at some point when I was fanboying. Then, I see those piercing green-blue eyes staring straight through me. I can't pull myself to look away from her, as I gaze at her orbs.

I see her hand motion me over towards her, as she sits surrounded by the cats. I walk slowly over towards her an take a seat next to her. Giggling as the cats swarm around me too. I look towards her to see her face, it's not rough looking, but gentle as if she's at peace. I smile.

I cough lightly, which catches her attention, "Oh, uh-uh. I'm sorry." I apologize as I look at her eyes.

She turns her head away, "It's fine." My eyes widen, She spoke to me! I thought to myself. Her voice is so soft, yet threatening in a way.

I blush, "Um...can I ask you a question?" I ask her, as I pet an orange cat.

"You already did." She says sarcastically, I had heard from her mum that she's very sarcastic, and cold.

I laugh, "Yeah, well can I, though?" I ask once again, looking everywhere but her eyes since they seem to be so...intimidating(?)

"Sure..." She says, while petting the black cat that seems to be inspecting me.

I blush, a bright pink as I ask, "What is your real name?"

"'s not important..." She says flatly, and gets up. "We should go, I don't want you to get into trouble." With that she begins to walk away, the cats follow her as do I.

I want to ask her to be my friend, but I'm so scared that she'll say no. That she'll think I'm a dummy...

I walk next to her for a little bit before I come to a complete stop, before arriving to the house. She stops when I stop, turning towards me only slightly. "C-can we be f-f-friends?" I ask stuttering, as I use all of the courage I have in me to release that question.

She looks me dead in the face to words I didn't want to hear, "No." She says it's like no big deal, that it meant nothing to her, that she didn't want to be anything to me! I'm so hurt, from just her rejecting me, I've never been rejected until now... "Now, come on." She says as and begins to walk again, with the cats following her.

   I look at her figure, and feel my heart shattering as she walks more away, from me. I look at the floor as I begin to make me way towards her, and soon enough we're walking next to each other again.

   I'm not giving up on this friendship! I'm determined to get her to be my friend! Even if it takes me years, I will be her friend. I thought to myself as I look up as, I let my gaze fall upon her...

   We finally, make it to our houses, I stop at her front door with her. "So I'll see you tomorrow!" I say with a bright smile.

   She holds the same poker face, "No." with that she turns away, but before she could I give her a big hug. She stiffens in the hug. "What are you doing?" She asks sternly.

   "Giving you a hug, before I go." I say happily as I pull away. Gazing into her eyes, for some reason luring me towards her, it's just something about them.

   "Why?" She asks again.

   "Because we're friends!" I exclaim, towards her. She gives me a disgusted look, which hurt me a little.

   "No, bye." She says as she walks into her house.

   "See you tomorrow!" I say, waving to her disappearing form. In time you'll be my friend! I'm sure of it...

• • •

I realize now as a kid I was so determined for everyone to be my friend, so when I wanted her to be my friend I was going to make sure of it. Since, I never had a friend as her :^/

Words: 796

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