Chapter 4: Morning

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8:28 a.m.

I wake up, and get out if my bed to stretch. As I go to the bathroom to do my daily routine, before I eat my breakfast.

I walk out the bathroom and go to my room. I walk to my wardrobe (closet) grabbing some trousers (pants), a shirt, and some socks. I put the clothes on, as I head down stairs to the kitchen. I see my Mum making breakfast.

"Good morning, Madson." She says as she hands me a small bowl of oatmeal with strawberries, and banana on the side.

"Good morning, Mum." I say as I eat my breakfast. My Mum always wants me to be healthy, so she usually makes me oatmeal. I don't really mind though, it's pretty good.

"Are you planning to go outside today?" She asks me, I nod my head 'yes' as I eat some more of the food. "Alright, but I'm going to have to go to the store. I'll tell Leah, and you can maybe play some video games with Jesse, or try an talk to Nana." She says.

"It's Nena," I correct her, as I continue to eat. She laughs lightly.

"Oh right, haha. Well, her name is very strange, especially when you have an accent it's hard to pronounce." Mum says to me. "Okay, well come on. Let's head over." She says as she grabs my empty bowl, I nod and get up heading towards the door to put on my socks and shoes.

"Okay, come on, Mum." I say as I open the door.

"Haha, okay," she laughs lightly, as she grabs her purse.

We walk down the steps and onto the footway (sidewalk) as we walk next door to Jesse's house. I start to skip down the footway of their house, so excited to see them, especially Nena.

I see my Mum knock on the door, as I see Leah open the door for us to enter. "Hey, come in." She says with a welcoming smile.

"Oh thank you, but I am just dropping off Madson, as I go to the store. Is that alright?" I hear Mum ask Leah, as she smiles.

"Oh, yeah, it's fine." Leah says.

"Oh, great. Okay, Madson, I'll see you in a bit, bye." Mum says as she gives me a hug goodbye, she heads back home to get into her car.

"Good morning, Madson. Jesse is in his room, if you want to go an head there." Leah says, as she tells me where his room is. I nod.

"Good morning, Leah." I say politely as I head to Jesse's room.

As I walk to his room I see, a bunk bed, a desk, a decent television size, and a girl on some kind of device on top of the bunkbed as Jesse is eating a lolly (candy) at the bottom of the top bed.

I knock on the door, as I step in not wanting to be rude. I see Nena roll her eyes as she continues to play on the device. I couldn't really see what it was, nor did I know since I didn't play on any device. Since, I go outside for fun.

"Hey, Madson!" Jesse says with excitement as he sees me. I laugh as I step more into their share room.

I could see that they split the room, on Nena's top their was 'Star Wars' posters and games of some sort. Jesse's bottom half of the room has a bunch of sweets (candy), and clothes scattered around. I could see on the desk that it was a sketch book, with a somewhat nice drawing of one of the Star Wars characters. I could see paint, and pencils on the side of the desk that are neatly stacked on one another.

Maybe Nena is the clean one, and a bit of a's fine, though, kind of...?

I take a seat near Jesse as he hands me some sweets, but I kindly refuse. "No, thank you, I just ate." I say.

"Oh okay. Nena, do you want some candy?" Jesse asks said girl, but hears no reply. "Okay, more for me then." He says with a smile. "So, what do you want to do, Madson?" Jess asks me.

"I...I don't really know. Um, what is Nena playing on?" I ask him.

He makes an 'O' with his mouth as he says, "Oh, she's playing on her gameboy. She likes boy stuff, but I wouldn't bother her when she's playing, I made that mistake before and got hit." My eyes widen, as I hear him say this.

"She hits you?" I ask.

I hear him hum in response, "Mhm, yeah, she's violent. When it comes to her games." He says as he continues to eat the lolly.

I nod as I look towards the girl. I see that her thumbs are moving, and see the concentration in her expression although it's blank. She never smiles, even on that device...isn't she happy? I thought to myself as I look away from her figure to Jesse.

"Let's go watch some TV, I think Spongebob should be on." He says as he grabs my hand. I get up and follow him to the living room, and sit down on the couch as he lets go of my hand to reach for the controller. "Yeah! It is." He exclaims.

I nod, as I see a yellow sponge appear on the screen, I have watched television before, but I never watched's so new. They sound so weird, they didn't have an accent, like the one I have. For the matter it sounds like how Americans, sound they don't have accents or anything. How odd...? I thought to myself.

"Hey Madson? Can I ask you a question?" Jesse asks me, as he lays down.

"Yeah, sure." I say, as I lay down slightly, waiting for the question.

"Why does your name sound like a girls name?" He asks, I flush a pink color as I think about it. Does my name sound like a girls name? I heard of a name as Madison, but similar to it. No wonder people say that, it sounds like a girls name?!

"O-o-oh I don't know, it's just what my Mum named me." I stutter as I answer his question.

"Oh, okay. Well people think my name is a girls name, although it's not, but my Mom said it's both." He explains to me, I nod my head, as I pay attention to the television.

After, the show is over. I hear a knock from the door, I see Nena walk to the door, and open it. She steps back to let the person inside, to be my Mum, I get up from the couch and run over to her giving her a hug. I hear Nena sigh, as she walks into the kitchen.

I see her mum come out, and greet my Mum. I let my Mum go of the hug, and walk into the kitchen to see Nena. She sits on the counter with a piece of bacon hanging from her lips, as she plays on her gameboy. How'd she get on there? Where's she get that bacon? I thought to myself as I walk up to her.

She lifts up her gaze, to look into my ocean blue eyes. I feel uncomfortable under her gaze again, as I look at her lips-bacon as I look at the bacon. I see her jump off of the counter and in front of me. She grabs the bacon from in between her lips, and put it in front of my lips. I blush, as she holds it there.

"Do you want a bite?" She asks, her voice seems as if she's trying to sound gentle, but fails and sounds monotone.

I blush more, as I thought about the offer. I nod and slightly open my lips for her to put the piece of bacon inside. When I feel the bacon hit my tongue my blush brightens, as I close my mouth to chew. She turns to walk towards the table, and sits there acting as if nothing has happened.

I stand there, shocked, by how she can act so normal(?) when something as that happens. She a robot, I automatically think of her. As I gaze at her features, they are blank, as her fingers move about. She's difficult to understand, one minute she hates me, disgusted of me, then likes me. What's going on in her head? I thought to myself as I walk back to my Mum with a flush face, she laughs at me.

"What happened to your face?" She says with a laugh.

"N-nothing! Just a bit tired." I stutter over my words. I was going to say Nena, but ended up saying nothing...why do I feel like this around her?

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Words: 1490

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