Chapter 5: Let's Talk

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6:11 p.m.

As I sit in my room, thinking of Nena. I gaze over towards my window to see her, playing football. She really likes football, huh? I wonder if she's going to be in the same class as me. Hopefully, she does. I would like to be better friends with her, but I just feel so...awkward, around her...why do I feel like this?

   I sigh, as I feel like I over worked my brain, just thinking about the complex girl. I get up from my bed, as I head downstairs to ask my Mum some questions about this feeling.

   I walk into the kitchen, to I see my Mum making sandwiches. "Hey, Honey, I don't feel like cooking. Want to make your own sandwich?" She asks me with a small smile.

   "Yeah! Sure, but can I ask you some questions?" I ask her, as I grab a near by chair, and drag it over to the countertop so I can reach better.

   "Yes, Love." Mum says with her usual soft and sweet British voice. I grab the bread and began to make my sandwich as I talk to her.

   "Okay," I inhale a deep breath. "So earlier you k-know. I was with Jesse, and N-Nena, right?" I stutter a bit as I try to find the words.

She laughs a bit before humming in response. "Haha, yes, of course." She gives me a smile. "When I came back, haha, your face was bright red." Mum says continuing to laugh lightly, at the memory of it.

My face starts to heat up once again, as I begin to speak, "W-Well, I-I know, but...I wanted to a-ask you about th-th-that." I say as I stutter a mess of a sentence.

"About what?" Mum asks with confusion.

I start to shift uncomfortably, and move my feet awkwardly, as I bite my lower lip. "Well, I-I have been feeling weird...around N-N-Nena and I don't know what this feeling is." I say, "When she ignores me, or says she wants me to leave or just being mean in heartbreaks...why does it feel like this, Mum?" I asks her with teary eyes, as I look at her.

Mums eyes seem show happiness and sadness, maybe she knows something. Did I make Mum sad...?

"Oh, Love," She says with a slight gasp. "I think you like her..." Mum says as she cuts the sandwiches we've made.

I like her? No, I don't like her, she's mean, and doesn't want to be my friend! Why...maybe Mums right...I do like her. I look at her and ask, "What do you mean? I like her?"

She laughs at me, Did I say something funny? "I mean you like her, like, how you like tea." She explains trying to make it easier for me to understand.

"How I like tea? I love tea! that what you mean?" I ask as I take my plate an walk over to the table. "That I like her, as if, I want her to be with me?"

My Mum nods her head, "Yes, you may or may not though. I'm not for sure, but I think with time you'll understand the feeling you have for her." She says while picking up my chair I dragged over to the countertop, and sits it next to me.

I nod my head as I eat my sandwich, once again thinking of the girl. I supposedly like. I blush at the thought. How could I like her...?! Her blue-green eyes are as if they are looking into my soul! Her brown-ish red hair is always up, but I can never actually see her face! Her face, it's stupid, yet so, Madson, you have to be a good boy, don't fall for her...?

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Words: 652

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