Chapter Six

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I wake up, seeing tommy right next to me, laying their peacefully sleeping.

Wait..why am I here?

Soon everything that happened yesterday comes back to me and a wave of relief washes over me.

I look back over at tommy and smile at how cute he looks.

I wanted to get up but he had his arms wrapped around me and I didn't wanna wake him up so I tried going back to sleep.


I wake up again but this time tommy isn't next to me.

I rub my eyes and get off his bed, walking into the living room, seeing him on the couch watching TV.

I sit down next to him.

"Good morning, beautiful" He smiles.

"Morning" I smile back.

"Did you get a good night's rest?" He asks.

"Yep" I lean my head on his shoulder. "Thanks for letting me stay over"

"No problem" We end up laying there, watching TV the rest of the time until some of the guys come down.

"Hey guys" Alex waves.

"Hey" We both say in unison.

"We were wondering if you guys wanted to do something today?" Lucas asks.

"Sure, what do ya have planned?" I question.

"We thought we could go swimming" He smiles, excitedly.

"Yeah, sounds fun" I look over at tommy "You in?"

"Sure, why not?" He looks over at me.

"Okay, well I don't really have a swim suit so I'm gonna go home and get one real quick" I tell them.

"You can borrow one of my shirts" Tommy suggests.

"No, it's oka-" I get cut off.

"It's fine, really. Now come on" He grabs my hand leading me to his room.

I guess I have no choice then.

He goes through his drawers until he finally finds a big shirt.

"Here" He smiles, tossing it at me.

I thank him and head to the bathroom.

I quickly change into the shirt, it going right above my thighs.

I walk out and see him shirtless, with his shorts on.

He notices me staring and smirks.

I quickly turn my head trying to hide my blush.

He laughs and grabs my hand, leading us outside.

We make it out to see all the guys already in the pool.

They're all taking turns dunking the basketball.

We walk over to the pool, tommy immediately jumping in, making a huge splash.

I cross my arms over my face, trying to block out the water.

"Come on, Y/N!" Tommy yells.

I walk over to the edge, dipping my foot in.

"Holy shit!" I screech. "No way in hell am I about to go in that"

"Aw, come on!" Tommy fake pouts. "Pleaseee"

Before I can reply, I feel someone come up behind me and push me in.

I fall into the water and swim back to the top, looking over to see who it was that pushed me in.

"Nordan!" I yell, laughing.

"Sorry!" Nordan smirks, running.

I jump out of the pool, chasing after him.

While I'm running, I accidentally slip, landing on my butt.

Nordan bursts out laughing almost slipping too cause of how hard he was laughing.

"You little bitch" I smirk, getting up and jumping on top of him.

We both fall into the pool, laughing our asses off.

I glance over at tommy to see a hint of jealousy on his face.

I shrug it off and keep messing around with all of the other guys.

We end up laughing and playing for the rest of the night, until it starts getting a little late.

I get out of the pool, wrapping the towel they gave me around my body.

While I'm doing so, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind.

I look over my shoulder to see the one and only, Tommy.

"Did you have fun?" He asks, placing his chin on my shoulder.

"I did, actually. Thanks for letting me borrow your shirt" I say.

"No problem. You look hot in it" He playfully winks.

I laugh at him before going inside, along with everyone else.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Tommy asks me.

"Sure, I practically live here now so why not?" I chuckle.

We say goodnight to all the guys before heading into Tommy's room.

I decide I'll take a shower tomorrow when I go back to my place since I have no fresh clothes here.

I lay on Tommy's bed watching him pick a movie from Netflix.

He decides on the movie Click featuring Adam Sandler.

"Yess, I love this movie!" I yell.

Tommy smiles before laying next to me.

I lay my head on his chest as the movie begins and he plays with my hair.

After a while, I start to feel my eyes slowly closing until I end up falling asleep next to the boy I might be in love with.

How do ppl write such long chapters? lol I can't think of anything interesting to put in these. Hopefully next one will actually be interesting.

Anyways sorry I haven't updated in a while. School is a handful but I only have two weeks left so that's cool :))

Well byeee

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