Chapter Nine

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L/N = Last name

I unlock my door and step inside my house. I just got back from hanging out with Tommy.

Luckily, I made it home in time before Nordan comes to pick me up.

I get dressed and wait for Nordan to arrive.

Eventually, I hear a knock on the door and open it.

"Hey Nord" I give him a quick hug.

"Hey, you look great" He says, hugging me back.

"Thanks" I say as I walk out, locking the door behind me.

We walk to his car and get in. He starts the engine and we drive off to wherever he's taking us.

"You play CoD, right?" He asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, that's actually how I met Tommy" I thought back to when I first noticed him in my server and when I bumped into him at the grocery store. Wow, things have changed a lot in the past month I've known these guys (Personally).

"Oh really? That's pretty cool"

We pull up in the driveway of what I realize to be Dave & Buster's. Yess! I love this place.

I get out of the car and Nordan and I walk inside the building.

There are lights everywhere and glowing arcade games.

Usually Tommy just takes me to a restaurant or something like that when we hangout. This is actually really cool. Not that where Tommy takes me isn't cool, it's just I love Dave & Buster's.

I follow Nordan to the Mario Kart machine and we play against each other.

He eventually wins and we continue playing a whole bunch of other games.

"Ughh I give up" I put down the controller and slouch in my seat.

"How are you so good at this game?" We were playing Super Smash Bros and Nordan kept beating me, just like every other game we played.

"I play with Alex all the time" He laughs.

"Ohh, that explains a lot" I laugh back, getting out of my seat. "Should we go now? I'm pretty tired"

"Sure" He gets up off his seat and we leave the building, walking over to his car.

"Well, I had a lot of fun! Thanks for bringing me here" I smile, getting in the car and buckling my seat.

"No problem. We should do this again with the guys sometime" He buckles his seatbelt as well and starts driving.

"Yesss, I'd love that!" I suggest.

We continue talking about random things until we reach my house.

I wave Nordan goodbye and walk to my door, unlocking it.

"Ahh finally. Home sweet home" I walk upstairs to my room and get in bed, not bothering to change cause I was too tired.

-Time Skip-

The next morning I decided to stay home all day since I've been doing a lot lately.

Around 3, I got a call from Tommy asking if he could come over.

I said sure and sat on the couch with my phone, waiting for him to arrive.

I was watching a video by David Dobrik, when I suddenly heard my door open.

I looked over to see Tommy inside.

"Well, hello" I laughed. "Ever heard of knocking?"

"It was already unlocked so there was no point of knocking" He laughed, taking a seat right next to me.

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