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Hi everyone! After finishing the story Neverland's King, I decided to make a prequel of it - yay! So this story is about how Diana and Peter met long before they got together. So, I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to vote or comment!

P.s. This story is slightly on the mature side so be warned.

 This story is slightly on the mature side so be warned

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"Run! Diana, hurry!"

  Feet thumping against the dead, dry leaves, stepping on twigs while we ran through the enchanted forest, running in a scattered group.

  My long sword strapped on my belt, sparks of green mist lingered on my left hand while carrying a fairly large sack with gold and silver coins and other stuff inside on my right, I followed Marcus with his band of Merry Men following us.

  "Johnathan, watch out!" I cried over my shoulder while whiping my left hand towards him, sending a blast of green magic.

  The magic made the ground open up, shooting out a thick giant vine which wrapped around a knight riding it's brown horse that was right behind Johnathan, ready to pierce his silver sword through him. The vine wrapped around the horse's whole body even around the knight, so tight that they weren't able to move a muscle and as I clenched my fist, the vine tightened around them even more which eventually made the horse and knight faint before I released them and saw them drop to the ground.

  We eventually out ran the royal guards and we reached Sherwood Forest. Our hide out which was also our home.

  "What -- what was that back there?" Marcus laughed breathlessly doubling over on his knees as he heaved heavy breaths after dropping the bag of gold he had.

  "Sorry! I panicked, and Johnathan was nearly going to be beheaded!" I laughed aswell dropping the sack of loot on the ground.

  Johnathan, the large red haired curly man came up to me, also slightly taaking in breaths of air as he flashed me a thankful smile, "I have to thank you for that too, Diana. You saved my life back there, lass."

  The Merry Men and I placed all the gold and valuables we managed to steal inside a crate near the fire. We all sat around by the fire but I sat at the back, just leaning against the cool tree as we all ate our dinner, it was a boar I hunted this morning before we went on the expedition to the castle on the west side of the forest.

  The Merry Men was as usual smiling and laughing heartily about our expedition earlier. In the misdt of it all, I allowed my eyes to wander and scan each of the merry men. A code was followed by Marcus, you see; only men are allowed in the group - thus the name Merry Men.

  He followed it through and through, until that day however. The day he found a baby in a basket crying in the middle of the forest during one of their expeditions on a stormy weather.

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