The Future Foretold

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An adventurer, travelling through a big city. He walks through the streets and goes into the Blue Moon Inn.
"What can I do yer for?" The bartender asks.
"A glass of your finest ale, please."
"No problemo, That'll be two coins."

The adventurer hands the bartender two coins and sits down at the bar. Two guys go and sit next to him.

"So I told that gypsy she is a maniac, grabbed my money back and left."
"Hahaha you got to be kidding me. Telling the future? What nonsense!"
"I find it weird that these adventurer types are capable of magic! Fire balls and everything! They should be wiped from all of Gielinor!"

"Oh should we now?" The adventurer said as he finished his beer and put the glass on the bar.
"What's that?" One of the guys asks.
"I said, should we wipe the adventurers?"
"Yes they are an incredible danger to us all!"
"We keep you safe god damn you! We are the ones who make sure you can lay in your bed at night without being eaten alive!"
"Oh so you are one of them huh?" The other guy said as he reached for his knife.

Both men stood up and faced the adventurer with two knifes.
"Oh no, not in my bar you don't! You go outside right now! All of you!" The bartender said, but it was too late. The two men tried to attack the adventurer. He grabbed his sword and deflected the first attack. The other guy tried to come for him which he dodged. The adventurer turned around and slashed one of the knifes out of one guys hand, who was looking amazed. His friend tried to come at him.

The adventurer grabbed his hand, smacked the knife out of it and threw him towards his friend. They both grabbed their knifes from the ground and stood together, wielding their knives towards the adventurer.
"End of your line here!" One of the guys said.

The adventurer raised his bare hand up, facing the two men.
"Are you sure?" He asked looking at the two men.
They didn't listen and tried another attack. Out of nowhere two huge rocks flew right in their stomachs, sending the men flying against the wall. They fell down to the ground and sat unconscious.

"Bartender, give me some water." And so he did, looking flabbergasted to what the adventurer just did. He threw the water in one of the guy's face.
"Where is this Gypsy?"
"Hmpf." The guy said, having a mean grin on his face but in pain. "So... *cough,cough* next to a danger... *cough* you are also crazy? Heh."
The adventurer held his sword against the throat of the man, who now became wide awake and afraid.
"I'll ask it again. Where. Is. The. Gypsy."
"Sh-she is at t-t-the market. W-walk straight d-d-own this street. But please don't hurt me!" The guy asked with tears in his eyes. The adventurer yielded his sword, but hit the guy in the face to knock him unconscious again.
"Bartender, here. For the trouble. I am sorry." The adventurer said as he gave the bartender one hundred gold pieces.
"T-Thank you!"

The adventurer did what the guy said. Follow the street to the market. Once at the market he saw a lot of stalls. Cloth, Toys, Newspapers and a weird, striking tent with an eyeball on top of it, which would occasionally open. He guessed that this would be the place from the gypsy. He entered the tent.

He was greeted to the sight of an old lady with a glass ball, and a little red inside of a tent, lit up by long candles which were burning nicely on their standards.
"Welcome child, take a seat. For me to look into your future, it will cost you one single coin."

The adventurer took out his coin pouch and gave the woman ten coins.
"The rest is for those who were here not long ago. I taught them a lesson and here is your pay with extra."
"Thank you very much, generous child. Now lets look into the ball and see what the future holds for you."

The adventurer didn't know what to think of it. The lady started to hum but nothing much happened.
Until the point that the ball filled itself with smoke and slowly cleared up.

"Do you see it as well my child?" The gypsy asked.
"I see something clearing up through the smoke but can't make out what it is yet."
"Give it some time, my child."
As the ball slowly cleared up more, they could see the adventurer in his battle armor, and he is wielding a big and imposing sword.
*gasp* "It... It couldn't be... Is that..."
"What? What is it?"
"What do you see?"
"I see myself wielding a big sword and standing around a place that looks ruin like."
"You are right, my child. But that isn't just an ordinary sword, and that sword never gets used anymore. That is the demon slaying sword, Silverlight."
"Demon slaying sword? Silverlight? I don't have that and even if I had, why would I use it."
The adventurer didn't know what to do with this information.
"With this ball I can not only look into the future but also to the present." She said as the ball started to smoke up again.

As fast as the glass ball got smoke in it, the smoke disappeared and showed a live image of some dark wizards standing together. The gypsy gasped again. "So it's true. They are going to do it again."
"Do what again?"

"They, the dark wizards that is, are going to summon Delrith again."
"And who is Delrith?"
"Delrith is the most dangerous demon that has ever existed. He was summoned one hundred fifty years ago. Delrith was send out to destroy all of Varrock, that is, if our hero Wally didn't stop him."
"Well Wally isn't such a hero name, so how did he slay the demon?"
"Look into the ball again, for I will show you."

The ball started to emit light and you see a bald headed, geared up adventurer, wielding the same sword as you saw in your future. He is fighting the demon fiercely and stabbed it right through the chest.

"Now what did that gypsy say? Right! Gabindo... Purchai... Camerinthum... Carlem... Aber!!"
The demon's heart lit up and the light started erupting from everywhere out of his body. He was floating in the air, roaring in pain. Until the point where the demon turned into a whirlwind of dust, and went back into the monument that stood there. The monument repaired itself, concealing the demon where it belongs.

"And That is how Wally slayed the demon around one hundred and fifty years ago. And now... After all this time... Delrith, shall rise again." The gypsy said with a most frightening look on her face.


Yo! So of course there is going to be more parts of this, but as of now this is the beginning. Hope you liked it! If you did, leave a little upvote! Comment on what you think about how I made this!

Just a quick message again, I didn't make this story, I just make it a bit bigger and explainable for those who've never played this game. Damn shame if you didn't tho!
So pretty much all rights about the story line goes to Jagex, maker of some of my most amazing memories <3

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