The Second One

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"So tell me, where are the other ones again?"
"There is one with our captain, and there is one in the wizard tower."
"Okay, so where is your captain?"
"Well, the last time I saw him he was on the roof, training the new recruits."

The adventurer stepped up multiple ladders to finally get to the roof of the building. Finally there, he only saw broken straw shields and dummies, but no recruits and most importantly no Captain Rovin. He want back downstairs to Sir Prysin.
"Where is your captain?! He isn't on the roof!"
"Oh no, he must be putting the recruits on their places! He could be anywhere in that case! But my best guess would be Falador"
"All the way to Falador? You got to be kidding me! I would have to go passed the barbarians! You all want me to die or something?!"
"Of course not! But we did this for safety precautions!"
"Well there goes my safety I guess. It's either this or losing Varrock."
"Wait! I got something for you! It won't help you on the way there, but will do so on the way back!"
He gave the adventurer a tile with multiple blue circles and a big letter V on it.
"What is this?"
"A teleportation stone. Lay it down and step on it. It will make you teleport back to the fountain on the market here in Varrock!"
"Amazing! Thank you."

The adventurer went on through the streets, until he reached a street with a couple of worn out houses and a stray dog here and there. The street slowly became a small light forest, through which you could see wooden fences and houses on the other side of the river. He walked over a roofed bridge, to which he saw two guards standing on the other side of it. They had armor on with fur from multiple animals. He approached the two guards, hoping they wouldn't kill him right away.

"Stop right here, what are you doing here?" One of the barbarian guards asked.
"I seek passage through your village, since that would make my travel significantly shorter."
"Well go on then." The guard said.

Our adventurer couldn't believe what he heard! The barbarians are known to be unreasonable people and to get angry on the smallest things. But the guards let him through. Yet he didn't feel good about it. There was one female barbarian looking at him. The wrong kind of looking, that is.

Suddenly she made a weird noise and two other barbarians came out of some houses, and surrounded the adventurer.
"Why do we have to do this?"
"Ha! You think we would let you go like this? We want your stuff right now! So surrender or die!"
"Die? You think I would just roll over and do so? Try me."
"AAARRRGHH!" The lady screamed as she charged towards the adventurer.

The adventurer dodged the charge smartly, grabbed the lady by her armor and threw her towards one of the other barbarians. She accidentally stabbed him right in the chest, killing him almost instantly. The other barbarian behind him grabbed the adventurer on the neck firmly.

"Ah, I told you we would get you, you just wouldn't give in would you." She held her sword like she was going to stab the adventurer right through his chest. At the moment that impact would almost hit him, the adventurer dropped himself to the ground, making the barbarian that was holding him bow down and get stabbed right in the skull. The adventurer felt the grip loosen up as the barbarian died right above of him. He quickly rolled away as the female barbarian took her sword out of the head.

"You! You impossible brat! You will not leave this camp! And I will make sure of that! FATHER!!"

The furthest building opened up. Coming out of it was what looked like the elite team of the village. The adventurer didn't think about it, kicked the legs of the lady to floor her and ran for the back gate. Lucky! The gate was open! He ran away from the village as fast he could!

He ran into a forest, filled with pine trees. He looked back multiple times as he kept running to the point that was the furthest away from that crazy village. Suddenly he fell down hard. He looked back and a rope was tied around two of the trees. Before he could even get up 2 dwarfs came from behind the trees and tied our adventurer up, put him on a stretcher, blindfolded him and walked away.
Where were they bringing him?! He couldn't see anything, couldn't feel the ground, until they suddenly dropped the stretcher on the ground and took the blindfold off. He saw a roof, so he was somewhere else now!

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