Third Time Is The Charm

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As he opened his eyes, he was greeted to a weird world. An unknown place that most likely nobody knows about, except for the wizards from the tower. The place where he landed was filled with crystals in the same color as the lightning bursts that flew through the tower. There was a path, made out of crystals which were cut off on the top unlike the others around him. They looked like a path leading to some sort of big flat crystal. The adventurer walked towards it, until he heard rumbling of stones and crystals behind him, to which he turned around.

"Well, hello there." A person said. He was wearing black robes and had his hood on.
"Who are you? Show yourself!" The adventurer said, immediately drawing his sword and standing in attack position.
"Now calm down, I just need to know what you seek in our world?" 
"Our? Who else is here!"
"How did you get here, adventurer?"
"None of your business, just as much as what I am seeking here."
"Well now, why so hostile? I was only offering my help."
"Did I ask for it? Leave me alone." The adventurer said. He turned around and the guy was now right in front of him. He backed off. "Who are you dammit!" 
"None of your business, adventurer. What is important, is the fact that you come here into our world uninvited and act like you own this place. But that won't happen."

The adventurer looked over the shoulders of the guy, and saw a wooden crate just as Archmage Sedridor described it. He tried to walk past the guy, but he simply raised his hand making the adventurer fly back and fall to the ground.
"What are you?!"

The guy took of his hood, revealing his face which was covered in red paint

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The guy took of his hood, revealing his face which was covered in red paint. He also had a logo burned into his forehead, which the adventurer recognized. That was the logo of Zamorak, the evil god of Gielinor.
"You are one of the Zamorakian mages huh? I've heard about you but never believe you guys existed."
"Well then, you see me right now don't you?"
"Why do you live here?"
"Because we are prisoners in here! We got put in here by the senior mages which were stronger than us! And now you came here in our lair and claim that you get to take the contents of this box? It is in our world, so not yours to take. Now either go back to where you came from or die."

The adventurer stood up and charged to the Zamorakian mage, but was thrown back again. 
"This is getting on my nerves, adventurer. Turn back or die, last chance!"

The adventurer wasn't going to back down. He tried to hit the mage with his sword, but he simply dodged all the swings and slashed the adventurer made. He did notice that he was pushing him backwards. He kept slashing and swinging his sword at the mage until he suddenly kicked the mage on the knee. He then decapitated the mage with a single swing of his sword. He left the body where it was and walked up to the wooden crate. He opened it slightly until he heard a weird sound behind him.

"Well, that wasn't nice of you adventurer. I notice you made your choice of faith." 
The adventurer turned around and saw the guy living again! He had his head back on his body!
"Foolish mortal, you have no power in this world!"
The adventurer quickly grabbed the key and put it in his pocket as he ran towards the wizard and started slashing his sword again.
The wizard kept dodging them and this time, went offensive. He pushed the adventurer back with his magic and shot a blue ball up in the air.
"What was that?"
"Keep that key in your possession and you will find out soon!"

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