Into Another Realm

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"Why did you do it! This is the fifth time I am asking it and my patience is running low!" The adventurer screamed, which made it echo in the dungeon jails.
"None of your damn business!" The assassin said, while he was scratched up and bleeding softly out of some of the little wounds.
"Listen, this is only going to get more unpleasant for you. Because I won't let you die! No I will keep torturing you, and then I will heal you so you can witness all the pain again! So answer me!"
The assassin just spit on the adventurer, making him even angrier. He cast a spell, making little cuts all over the body of the assassin, and these ones were deeper then the others, making him bleed more. The assassin groaned in pain.

"Now, do I got to ask the question again or can you remember it and answer me?"
"Like I said, none of your damn business."
"Suit yourself. The water under you is salt water, also known as water that will burn your wounds just a little bit. Tell me now or have a big amount of pain for at least 5 minutes. Oh and I can't promise that the rats wont take a bite."
"Try me."
"As you ask."

The adventurer pulled a lever, making the cut up assassin getting lowered into the salt water. He screamed loudly of pain, making echoes all through the dungeons.
"Alright! Just take me out of here!"

The adventurer pushed the lever up again, and the cage slowly rose out of the water. There was a rat nibbling on the toe of the assassin, to which the adventurer kicked it off.
"Now, my answer please. Why. Did. You. Do. It?"
"I got orders from the dark wizards, okay? They told me that there was corruption against Delrith, and I was the one to stop that corruption."
"Well, was that so bad? Now you are still going to hang here for... around five years for a murder. So good luck. Oops!" The adventurer said as he made a fake fall against the lever, pushing it down, making the assassin go into the water again. He started screaming as the adventurer walked away without looking back.

Once out of the dungeons, he walked towards the library in search of Surok Magis. Once in the library, he saw a guy dressed in black robes with a pointy hat on and a long beard.
"Are you the mage Surok Magis?"
"What do you want, I'm busy." The mage said angrily.
"Sir Prysin said you could help me with getting a key from wizard Traiborn from the wizard tower."
"Syr Prysin and wizard Traiborn? Delrith is returning isn't he?"
"Wha... How do you know!"
"That would be the only reason Prysin need Traiborn. Hmpf what do you want from me then?"
"I don't know exactly."
"Well then get Prysin and let's talk!"
"There is a little problem with that... Sir Prysin is dead."
"What? Dark Wizards, or not?"
"Yes, they hired an assassin."
"Great. Best bet I can make is that he would've wanted me to teleport you as close as possible. I will do so. Good luck making the rest of your travel."
"Wait, so where are you going to teleport me to?"
"Well... I don't know you will see! Good luck not defeating Delrith, fool!" Surok Magis said as he cast a teleother spell on the adventurer, making him teleport to a destination unknown. The colors made him dizzy again. So he closed his eyes, waited and opened them again. He was in a little town, located next to what looked like a sea, and a couple of willows on the waterside with a fisherman sitting against one fishing his day away. He was surrounded by little market stalls and old buildings. In the distance he could see a giant white tower with blue lights emitting from the top of it. He guessed that would be the wizard tower.

He walked through the street, and saw a path that would most likely lead directly to it. But before he could reach the path multiple people came walking towards him.

"Well hello kind stranger!" One of the persons said.
"Oh you didn't want to leave yet sweetie? Right?" One of the women said. And like this a couple of other people said, making the adventurer stay in the town. And, for some reason, the adventurer felt like he needed to stay! He did not even want to leave and forgot all about the dangers that were lurking in the near future! All he could think about is the kind and beautiful people that were so friendly around him and just sitting around a fire with them.

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