Search for the first key

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"What can we do to stop it?"
"It's very simply said, slay Delrith with Silverlight and cast the same spell as Wally did. Easier said then done. Silverlight has been out of sight for years now."
"You have magical powers to see the future, could you try and look into the near future where I maybe find Silverlight?"
"No can do. My powers don't show that easily and with making that moment from one hundred and fifty years come back drained me. All I can think of is Sir Prysin. He is a knight in the Varrock Castle and the grandson of Wally. He might have it. I wish you good luck adventurer."

The adventurer left the tent and saw the castle rise high above all other buildings. He went towards it but got stopped at the gate by guards which were fully armed.
"What is your business here?" One of the guards asks.
"I need to speak to Sir Prysin about an important matter."
"He is not here."
"I know that he is so let me through."
"You are not going through here, and if you keep trying I will get a team to get you in a jail for a day. Leave."
"But this is a matter of life and death! This city is going to shreds if you don't let me through!"

The guards weren't going to give in anytime soon. He must find a way in though. He needed to create a distraction. He saw two little kids playing tag around the market stalls. He went towards them.

"Hey kids, you want to earn two coins each?"
"Yes of course!"
"You need to go and irritate those two guards over there, make them come after you. Maybe even grab his shield and run."
"Easy." One of the kids said.
"Here." And he gave the kids their coins.

The adventurer stood on the other side of the wall as the kids played again. They came closer and closer to the guards, up until the point they both stood in front of them. They both grabbed one shield and ran. Both guards ran after them to get their shield back and the coast was clear.

He sneaked inside of the castle and searches for Sir Prysin. He came across a younger guard which spotted him right away. The adventurer stopped sneaking and looked at him.

"Are you Sir Prysin, perhaps?"
"Depends. Who are you and how did you get in here."
"How I came in is not the matter here. What is, is the fact that I need to speak to Sir Prysin this instant or all of Varrock will be drowning in flames and slowly become ruins."
"Well I am Sir Prysin, and who told you this nonsense?"
"I asked to see my future from the gypsy lady at the market."
"Oh god, not another one! No! You will leave this instant! We don't want any of that and Varrock is going to be fine!"
"But it's not! A powerful demon will be summoned and destroy everything!"
"Get out now before I call all the men we have! There is no single clue that this crazy story is going to happen, and therefor we don't believe it! You got nothing to hold on to, so I give you your last chance to leave."
"I just came here to get Silverlight. Give me that sword and we will stay safe. I will bring it ba-"
"How do you know about that sword. It has been passed down through generations of my family and is famous for-"
"For slaying Delrith. I know. I also know that was your grandfather Wally who did that. Sir Prysin I tell you, Delrith is going to return, and stronger then ever. We need to use the sword and a spell that I learned to put him down! Or... at least for the next one hundred and fifty years that is."

Sir Prysin looked at him. He didn't understand how he knew this all. He couldn't know this at all. "So that gypsy woman isn't mad all the way after all." Sir Prysin said.
"Where is the sword. The sooner we have it, the better!"
"Follow me."

They went into the private quarters for Sir Prysin.
"Here it is." He said as he pointed to the wall.
And there it was, hanging up against the wall in a glass box, safe from all the dangers of this cruel world. The adventurer was looking at it like it was a god. The sword was gorgeous, long with the purest steel he had ever seen. There was gold above and under the handle. There was also a dull brown thick line in the middle of the sword and the gold above the handle.
"She's a beauty, isn't she." Sir Prysin said. "It has never been out of that glass box after my grandfather used it for Delrith. And there is one problem."
"Please no. No problems." The adventurer said. He sighed "What is the problem then?"
"The case requires three keys. I don't have any of them to be honest."
"You... what... This is rightfully your sword! How do you not have access to it!?"
"Because I am forgetful and would most likely lose the keys!"
"Goddammit, where are they? I will get them then."
"Our Captain, Captain Rovin has one, I guess he is somewhere around the castle. The second one is in the hands of my brother. He is probably in the kitchen. And the last key is in the hands of a wizard in the big wizard tower. It is quite a travel towards there but he has it. Can I assist you in any way, adventurer?"
"Like you just said, you would most likely lose the keys, and there is no time to lose anything at this moment. No. I will do this alone. Best to start easy, where is your brother?"
"Probably in the kitchen, but I don't know for sure."

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