Demon Slayer

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He was ready. The armor from the dwarfs, the knowledge of the concealment of Delrith and the famous demon slaying sword, Silverlight. He was ready to face one of the worst fears from the world, one of the most dangerous demons there is. But there is still some unfinished business inside the Varrock Castle. Surok Magis... He betrayed him and send him to a dangerous village held by a cult who locks up people in a sewer system! And the adventurer remembers Surok saying that he would never defeat Delrith. He needed revenge, one more time.
He went to the library where he first found Surok, but there was no one except for the librarian that worked there. 

"Hello! I am Reldo, the librarian of this library. Can I help you?"
"Yes you might, where is Surok Magis?" 
"Oh he left like an hour ago and didn't say where to, so I can't help you."
"What?! Left?! You seriously got no clue what so ever?"
"Not at all, sir. Anything else I can do for you?"
"No thanks." The adventurer said quickly and ran outside to the front of the castle. He was furious and afraid of what Surok might be capable of. He looked around the market for any clues to his maybe nearby whereabouts. He saw the very remarkable tent of Gypsy Aris and thought that she would be able to find out the location of Surok.

He went to the tent to find the Gypsy meditating. 
"Gypsy Aris! I am sorry to disturb you again, but I need to know where someone is. Do you think you can help me with this?"
"Depends, my child. Who is the person you are seeking."
"It is Surok Magis, the Varrock Castle mage."
"Oh no. I am sorry adventurer but I refuse to seek his location. See, Surok Magis is a  dark wizard. If I were to look at his location, he would be able to feel it. When he does he will come for me since he holds a grudge against me. Long story. What I do feel is that it is almost time for Delrith to rise out of his tomb. You must hurry now as time is short!"
"Thank you Gypsy Aris, for all your support!"
"You are welcome child, now save our city!"

The adventurer went outside and ran to the city walls. He saw the dark wizards performing the ritual. As the ritual was almost done the wizards were starting to conjure a wall around a big relic. The adventurer ran and jumped into the circle just before the wall reached a length which he couldn't pass. The wizards didn't look at him and continued the ritual. The adventurer walked around and looked at the relic which was slowly starting to light up through the cracks with evil red light. 

Suddenly the relic broke open, and a deep black hole was to be seen in the rubble of the relic. A deep, dark roar was to be heard from it. The dark wizards teleported away from the relic and the walls disappeared. 

Two big claws grabbed the edge of the rubble, making the adventurer jump back and drew the mighty sword Silverlight. The demon, Delrith rose out of his tomb and hovered above it. He roared an evil loud roar as he landed on the ground and looked at the adventurer.

"I am your worst nightmare!" 

Delrith opened his mouth and shot a fireball out of it towards the adventurer! He dodged it just in time but landed on the ground. Delrith quickly grabbed his leg and held him up in the air, making his face align with the adventurer's face.

"YOU ARE NOTHING!" Delrith said as he threw the adventurer away. He grabbed his sword and swung it at his leg. Delrith roared in pain, but turned around and hit the adventurer hard with his tail, sending the adventurer flying again. He was in pain, but so was Delrith. Yet Delrith did something the adventurer didn't foresee. He ducked down a little and suddenly two giant wings came from his back.

Delrith flew up into the air and went towards the market. The adventurer followed him on the ground and stayed right under him. Delrith was hovering above the ground, and held his hand up. A red glowing ball was slowly forming and growing in his hand as time went on. The adventurer, unknowing what to do, went into the tent of Gypsy Aris again.

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