Chapter Three

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I slowly looked around at the wreckage. Glass shattered, wood chunks everywhere, and... the trail of blood leading up the stairs. I swallowed and took a deep breath, shoving my worry down deep into my stomach. I slowly started walking, glass crunching under my muddy boots. I found my way to the stairs almost tripping twice over broken chairs and the table that was... sliced.  



The middle.

I slowly trudged up the stairs, careful not to step in the bright red blood. It led up the whole way, it felt like years before I finally reached the second floor. The trail of blood led into my bedroom. My bedroom. What awaits me in there?

I cleared my throat before calling out, "Hello?"

There was a thud and a crash that came from my room. I took another small step towards it. "Who's there?" I asked a little louder than before.

Another thud before my door creaked open to reveal my mother hunched over holding her side. "Mom!" I yelled, running over to her.

I grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Nothing but bright blazing fear swirled in them. "Mom, what happened to you?" I asked, my voice cracking at the sight of blood pouring from her side.

She took a shallow breath before saying, "They're back. They've come for you. They're not all gone like we thought."

I shook my head, "Who?"

She looked into my eyes and smiled, "I love you, Raven. And I'm s-sorry, I wish I had more t-time to explain."

"What?" I asked my throat closing up. "What do you mean?"

She slowly shook her head, her auburn hair caked with blood sloshing with the motion. "I... I don't have much time. F-find you're aunt. She'll e-explain everything."

"Mom," I said weakly. "Please."

She smiled at me as she slid to the floor bringing me down with her. "I love you, Raven. I should have told you m-more often."

"I love you too, mom." I cried, a tear slipping down my cheek and landing on the top of her head. I hugged her as tightly as I dared, not wanting to cause her more pain.

I waited quietly as I listened to her labored breathing. After five minutes, it stopped. I sat there holding her until morning. I didn't go to work. I didn't eat breakfast. I didn't change my blooded clothing. But, I did go straight to the market.

Everyone that saw me - with my blood-crusted arms, hands, and clothing- avoided me. Good. I didn't want to explain why I looked like the way I did to anyone but the people I needed to.

I marched up to a young looking guard and said, "311 Laurel Way, south side. A murder was committed. Send men there."

His face went pale as he took in my clothing and my face. He looked around for a second, then asked, "Um, who died and who killed them?"

"My mother. And I don't know."

His face got paler as he examined me again. "Did... did you kill her?"

I was taken back by his question; I blinked and opened my mouth then closed it multiple times. How could he think I killed her? His face turned angry as he grabbed my arm so tight I thought the bone would crack. He began dragging me along behind him. "What are you doing?" I cried out as I pulled against him.

"You have committed a murder, so I'm taking you to where we put all the murderers... that is, the place before execution."

"Execution?" I shrieked, as fear began to make me shake. "But... I didn't kill her!" I pulled against him once more, throwing my whole body against his tight grip. "She... she was my m-mother!" I whimpered as tears poured down my bloodied face.

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