Chapter Ten

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"So," I said, my voice raw from screaming. "How is this possible. Magic is nonexistent now."

Apollo shrugged, "I have no idea. Maybe it's because of who your grandfather was. And who your grandmother was. Two of the most powerful dragons are going to have some pretty impressive offspring."

"Not to mention," Ray cut in. "The fact that you were not born yet when magic was diminished... maybe it's just the fact that your magic was not taken away." He snorted, "I'm just surprised you survived the Dragon Fire. That's a brutal process when your still in egg, let alone when you're a grown adult. Often times, Dragon Fire kills the dragon inside the egg. It literally cooks them alive. I might have underestimated you, human... I mean..." He cleared his throat as he realized I was not all human.

I smiled as much as I could. Exhaustion took over my mind, my body, my spirit. My head fell forward and everything went black.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and men talking... but there was also a woman's voice in the mix. I kept my eyes closed as I listened to their conversation.

"I don't know what to do about her." Apollo said sighing.

"Yes you do." Ray interjected with a chuckle.

"No. I really don't, Ray. She has some of the most raw magic I have ever seen... it's unnerving."

The woman cut in then, "Apollo, sure she has a lot of magic, but it is nothing we can not handle. We have seen powerful magic users before... we will deal with it. Many of my sisters and I have taught classes on using magic. I will help if you want me to."

A sigh was let out, then Apollo said, "Thank you, Teylie. You have no idea how helpful you've been."

The woman -Teylie- said, "Of course. I owe your people so much... it is the least I can do."

"I think the walls have ears. Hello sleeping beauty." Ray said to me.

I opened my eyes and glanced over at the trio as they sat around on the floor. They looked to be playing some sort of game. I went to sit up, but right as I did the world blurred and spun. I fell back down onto the bed with a groan.

My head ached so horribly I couldn't think around it.

"Yeah," Apollo muttered as he strode towards me. "About that." I felt his hand on my head as he said, "You'll have quite the head ache for a while. Remember when I told you magic takes something back?" He didn't wait for me to respond before saying, "Well, here it is."

"I'm starting to think I don't want magic." I mumbled.

Apollo chuckled and removed his hand from my forehead. "Yeah, I remember feeling like that too. Don't worry, with practice you'll get better at using the proper amounts at the right times."

I slowly sat up once more, opening my eyes wide to try and clear away the blur that crept into the picture. I looked at my surroundings, we were not in the cave anymore. Instead, we were in what looked to be a small wooden shack. I smelled salt and heard the sound of birds cawing in the distance. I glanced over to where Ray and the woman sat of the floor. The woman had creamy dark skin and long black locks that trailed down her shoulders and spread around where she sat. The tips of her hair were died teal to match the striking color of her breath taking eyes. She smiled at me kindly and said, "As I am sure you heard, my name is Teylie. I am... an ex-mermaid."

I blinked at her, no wonder she was so beautiful. A mermaid. "Nice to meet you, I'm Raven." I said.

Teylie nodded, "Oh, I know who you are child."

"Yeah," I said flicking my eyebrows up, my mouth slanting. "I've been getting that a lot. It seems like my more recent company knows more about me than I do."

Teylie pursed her lips, "I am very sorry. I can not begin to imagine how overwhelming all of this has been for you."

I nodded, then said, my voice shaking slightly, "Thank you."

Teylie nodded, understanding and sadness clouding her features. I looked around at the small shack and asked, "Where are we?"

Apollo looked around, "We are on the edge of the Kristla Sea. This is Teylie's home. When you passed out, Ray and I didn't know what to do... you were out for three days. You couldn't eat or drink while unconscious, so we needed help from someone who is well versed in magic. Teylie is an old friend. I used to swim near her underwater cave as a dragon and we got to know each other." He smiled over at her, "I knew she would help us. She also offered to help you reign in your magic. Learn how to control it and use it."

I nodded, "No wonder my stomach feels so hollow... three days?"

Ray snorted, "Yeah. And do you know you snore?"

I rolled my eyes, a small smile playing on my lips. "So. What's our plan from here on?"

"Well." Apollo began. "You having magic is very helpful. It will be much easier to defeat the king if we have magic on our side." He looked back to Teylie, "Teylie will train you to use it. She also volunteered to figure out why you have magic."

I nodded, "Okay. So, what should I do?"

Teylie stood up from the floor and walked over to us, her long blue ball gown hissing against the wooden floor as she walked. "First, I will use my healing magic to... examine you. I need to look inside you to see where the magic originates."

I sighed, "So many people have seen my bones already..."

Teylie smiled gently, "Yes. I know it is awkward, but we need to know what is going on inside of you."

I nodded. "Okay."

Apollo looked at us both then said, "Ray and I will wait outside until you're done."

Ray mumbled something then followed Apollo out the small wooden door.

Teylie approached me and slowly grabbed my hands in hers. Between our grasp a blue light lit up and raced down my arms. The light covered my entire body, and soon I could see my organs and muscles. The sight of my insides made me feel ill, but I quickly shoved down the sick feeling. Teylie hummed and clicked her tongue. She was looking at my head... well, my brain.

"What is it?" I asked my voice squeaking slightly.

"It seems that the magic is in your skull. It is showing itself as small little shavings imbedded in the front of your face. Your nose, forehead, and chin are covered in tiny specks of magic. I have never seen it appear this way before." She tilted her head, amusement dancing in her teal eyes, "it is like freckles underneath your skin." She leaned in closer, "It looks like the same material as Dragon Pearls."

Teylie let go of my hands and smiled at me, "You are a very unique person, Raven." She knitted her eyebrows, "Do you have any idea how that magic could have gotten there?"

I thought for a second. When would I have ever encountered magic partials? And why would they be in my face?

I began to shake my head, but stopped as realization crept into my thoughts.

I thought back to that day eleven years ago... and the sparkles blown into my face.

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