Chapter Eight

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Sunlight streamed into the cave lighting up my eyelids, causing me to see red. For one blissful moment, I forgot everything from the days before. But alas, everything came pouring back to me in a cascade of darkness and sadness. I opened my eyes, squinting slightly and stretched. I sat up in the bed and looked around, Apollo was nowhere in sight. I knitted my eyebrows and placed my feet on the sun heated cave floor. I stood up slowly and walked to the bathing room. Peering in, I looked for Apollo but he wasn't there. Where was he? There are only so many places to go in this cave.

I walked in farther and relived myself in the small toilet. After I was done, I washed my hands with a soap that smelled of lavender, and walked back out into the main room. I heard faint sounds of someone speaking outside the cave entrance. I walked slowly and cautiously towards it and peered out. Apollo stood outside, conversing with a huge tan man with blonde hair and gigantic biceps. I leaned back into the cave, listening closely to their conversation, making sure I made no sound.

"She's in there then?" The man asked.

Apollo sighed sharply, "Yes. She's sleeping."

The man chuckled, "Lazy humans and their precious sleep. I remember staying awake for days on end, just flying for weeks straight."

"One, she's a dragon just like us. And two, you're trapped in human skin just like her, so you can categorize yourself among the 'lazy humans'." Apollo sighed again, "Are you sure about this information?"

The man laughed, "Yes. When have I ever been wrong before, Apollo?"

"Many, many times, Ray. So many times."

"When its important stuff I'm right... and this is important." The man sighed, "Plus, I saw her hanging with my own eyes."

Apollo swore softly, "I figured they'd kill her, but hanging? The king must have been very upset with her actions to do that."

"Or trying to prove a point, scare everyone. The more fear, the more submission."

"That could be too. It sounds like something he would do."

I took a step closer to them, but slipped on a small rock that was on the ground. I fell with a thump, landing in the entrance of the cave. I looked up to find Apollo and his... friend looking down at me with crossed arms and raised eyebrows. Apollo huffed a laugh, "Well good morning."

I stood slowly and looked at the stranger, "Who's this?"

The man side smirked at me and swept his eyes up and down my body, the glance striped me bare, but I refused to cower away from his haunting gaze.

Apollo gestured to the man and said, "Raven, meet Ray." He gestured to me then said, "Ray, meet Raven."

Ray and I held each other's gazes. I returned his soul devouring smirk and crossed my arms as well.

Apollo sighed and looked up, "Great, you guys both had to be alphas?" He wiped his hands down his face then said, "Why me?"

I continued looking at Ray but asked Apollo, "Alphas?"

Ray's smirk widened as he said, "Yes. Dragons who know their worth and are better than all the rest."

Apollo shook his head, "More like, 'dragons who are self obsessed and bossy'."

Ray and I both snapped our gazes towards him, anger flaring in both our eyes. Apollo's face turned slightly pale as he looked at us both with semi widened eyes. He cleared his throat then said, "Let's go inside, we have things to talk about."

I nodded and walked into the cave, swaying my hips a bit more than necessary, Apollo and Ray in toe. I walked over to the ice box and pulled out the wine bottle that had about a quarter of the sour drink left. I grabbed three ale mugs then strutted back to Apollo and Ray. I handed them both a mug then poured wine in all three cups. Once I filled mine up half way I set the bottle on the floor. I stared at Ray and he stared at me as we both lifted the mugs to our mouths and chugged. It took all my concentration to not gag or spit out the foul liquid.

Apollo sighed and took a sip from his wine, muttering something as the mug hit his lips. I chose not to hear what he said, knowing it was probably not enjoyable.

Once I drained the last drop of my wine I pulled the mug away from my lips and sighed. Ray swallowed his last gulp and handed his cup to Apollo. Apollo looked at the mug and rolled his eyes, but took it anyways. I handed him my mug with a muttered thank you and a small smile. He nodded and walked towards the small kitchen sink.

I stood in front of Ray and stared him down, fire sparking through my veins, igniting a vicious and ferocious anger. Something about him made me want to roar and scream and attack. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about him was... wrong.

I raised an eyebrow and walked around him in a slow circle. "What on earth... are you doing?" He asked me, obvious irritation laced in his tone.

"Just... looking."

I could practically hear his growl as he said, "At. What."

I smirked, just what I wanted him to say. "Oh," I said smugly. "Not much."

Ray spun around, his hand reaching for my throat. I gagged as his hand slowly crushed my wind pipe. I opened and closed my mouth, trying and failing to bring any air into my lungs.

Panic ran laps up and down my body, sending goose bumps to erupt all over me. I tried to shove my fingers in between his hand and my throat, but his hold was too tight.

Somewhere in a distant world, I heard Apollo yelling something. I couldn't hear his frantic words over the sound of my heart beat loud in my head, slowing pace by the second.

A bright blue light erupted from my chest, sending Ray to fall backwards and forcing him to release me. I slouched over, falling into a coughing fit. Trying to bring in as much air as my lungs would allow. I stumbled backwards into the cave wall behind me. I looked at Ray with wide eyes and found his face a mirror to mine.

What had I just done?

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