Chapter Eleven

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"No way." I said out loud as I backed away from Teylie and sat down on the end of the bed behind me.

Teylie walked over to the door and called out, "Boys, it is all clear."

Ray and Apollo walked in, and I vaguely heard Teylie telling them what she saw.

I put my face into my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. My grandfather... he... that couldn't be it. There had to be another explanation. But... there wasn't.

The three of them walked over and Apollo asked, his tone laced with humor, "So, what do you think? How did you get magic into your face? I noticed it before when I healed your head in the cell... I just had no idea what it was."

I looked up at them all and whispered, "My grandfather did it."

Apollo's eyebrows shot up. Ray huffed a laugh. And Teylie shrugged one shoulder, her face contemplating, as if she was thinking that was definitely something he would do.

"How did he do that?" Ray asked.

I shook my head, "When I was little, the day he died, he was telling me a story about magic. He blew sparkles into my face... I never thought anything of it... until now. Do you... do you think it's possible he like, ground up the pearl and that's what the sparkles were?"

Apollo thought for a moment. "It's a possibility. The pearls are not impenetrable, they can be cracked. And, it does sound like something he would do. If he knew he was going to die soon... he would have needed to pass the pearl down. Maybe to ensure your power, he decided that was the only way."

I shook my head again, "What does this mean?"

Teylie snorted, "It means you are the only person or creature with magic running through your veins."

"But I don't even know how to use it..."

"That is what I am for." Teylie said with a smile.

I looked at her, "Is it even safe for me to use magic? Won't the king hunt me down?"

"Oh, undoubtedly." Apollo said with a smirk. "But you'll have magic to protect you."

I laughed, the sound vicious and cruel. "Yeah. Because magic saved all the other creatures that died when he took it from them." I threw a scowl his way, "I am not some pawn in this game. I didn't ask to be some dragon human hybrid. I didn't ask for magic. I didn't ask for my mother to die! I didn't ask for any of this!" I was yelling now, but I didn't care. I was not going to put my life in danger just so they could go back to flying and swimming. "Count me out of your stupid reckless plans. I'm done."

I stood up and marched across the floor towards the door. My stomping the only sound in the hollow room. I swung open the door and slammed it behind me. I ran across the uneven sand, needing to feel the mist of the ocean on my burning face.

I sat down on a boulder sitting on the edge of the angry water. I listened to the crashing and sloshing of the waves. I took a deep breath, drawing in as much of the salty smell as my lungs would allow. I closed my eyes, feeling the chilly splash of the water on my feet and face.

I remembered a time when my mother, father, grandfather and I took a trip to the beach. We would spend hours on the shore playing, running, building pitiful sandcastles. My grandfather and I made a tradition of making a crab home for one lucky crustacean. It always fell apart or got washed away by the tide.

I remembered one year sitting on the sand and splashing my father by kicking water into his face. He had gotten his revenge though. He had stood up and chased me around on the shore until he caught me. He then proceeded to toss me into the warm salty water.

My mother would always bring little snack sandwiches. Made with smoked ham she made from the leftovers of a good year at the butchers shop.

That's when I felt it. The salty dampness of my face was not just because of the water. I looked up at the sky and screamed at any God that might still be watching, "What did I do to deserve this!" I was sobbing now. I covered my face with my hands and wept into them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you are the destine one." Teylie said from beside me. I hadn't heard her approach, but, there she sat on the rock beside me. "Long ago child, there was a prophecy. The prophecy spoke of a young woman who would save us. Who would bring light back to scare away the lingering darkness. She would come and she would beat the evil in this world. She was described in the prophecy as a fierce young lady who had fire in her heart and in her mind. She would posses the long lost magic of old time. And she would rescue us all."

I looked up and over at Teylie, she was starring out at the sea with longing in her eyes. "Raven, I do believe with all my heart that you are the one who was prophesied. However, no one will force you to complete your destiny. No one is forcing this onto you. Only you can decide if you really want to do this. If you choose to, you have Ray, Apollo, and me to help and guide you. You will not be alone." She looked down at me and smiled kindly, "If you choose not to do this, no one will be angry with you. No one with judge you. You have been asked to do something very hard and very scary. So, if you choose to walk away, we will support you in that decision."

I looked back out to the sea and watched the waves splash.

"Can I talk to her?"

I turned around to see Ray looking at Teylie. He looked... calm. More relaxed than he had since I'd known him. Teylie nodded then stood, "Think about it, Raven." She said smiling at me. Then, as she walked away, Ray took her seat on the rock. Once seated he let out a relaxed sigh.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked me.

I looked up at him and found him already looking down at me.

"Raven. Do you know what I am... or was?"

I shook my head.

A small smile bloomed on his cheeks as he said, "I was a Wisdom Dragon." He smiled wider down at me. "I was the dragon they came to for advice. Overall, it was my decision to use the pearls." He turned his body to face me. "Raven, part of my magic was looking inside someone and seeing their intentions... their heart. When I look at you, I see so many things it's overwhelming. I see power, I see fear, I see anger, I see hatred. But the thing that I sense most, is determination. Raven, you are one of the most determined 'dragon human hybrids' I have ever come across." He smirked at his reference to what I had yelled at Apollo. He shook his head, "Of course this is your choice, but please, don't throw away this incredible gift you've been given."

"What gift is that? I feel like being a 'prophecy fulfiller' is a curse. My future is already decided for me."

He smiled kindly at me, "Raven, you get to have a future that means something. You get to change lives. You get to save people." He chuckled, "That's pretty cool."

I smiled up at him. He was right. I get to mean something.... "Thank you."

He nodded, his face turning serious. "Don't you ever tell anyone that I gave you a pep talk. It would ruin my tough guy persona."

I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in days. "Right. Because we can't have that."

He smiled down at me and playfully shoved me with his elbow.

Then, I remembered...  "Hey," I said turning to face Ray fully. "What were you guys going to tell me before... well, everything happened?"

Ray's eyes dulled as he looked at me. He took in a deep breath then said cautiously, "Your aunt was hanged four days ago."

I closed my eyes, releasing a long breath. "I figured she would be killed... I just didn't think it would be like that..."

"I'm sorry." Ray muttered softly.

I shook my head, "Don't be... I didn't know her well, and I have already 'come to terms' with her death. When I found out about her being captured, I accepted her death."

Ray nodded. "I want you to know, Raven, I think you are a very brave strong person... I'm proud to call you my friend."

I smiled at him, "Thanks, Ray." Friend. I had friends now. I would be okay... everything would turn out right. I just have to learn how to use magic... it can't be that hard. Can it?

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