Chapter Twenty Six

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The king was nothing like I had pictured him. I saw him as an old decrepit man with grey hair and a bend to his posture. I visualized him with wrinkles and bags under his elderly eyes. I figured he'd be an old man with not long to live. I never thought of him as the young handsome man with jet-black hair and broad shoulders that stood before the doors to the palace. The man with smooth skin and a painting perfect posture. The man with a chapped smile that could make any girl swoon. The smile now devouring me.

As we got closer to the king I saw his golden crown glimmering in the sun light. The wrinkles in his deep blue uniform. The flecks of gold in his sash.

"Well, well, well." The kind said, his voice as smooth as his porcelain skin. He stared at me with a kind deceiving smile. "What a beautiful women. Tell me lovely, what is your name?" He licked his lips as he dragged his eye up and down my body. Twice.

I stared at him. A name. A name that was not my own. I needed a name. "Lila." I said with a fake smile. A smile that I had to sweeten from the wicked one I was tempted to throw on by instinct. "Lila Vivian, Your Majesty." I lowered my head in pretend respect. I shut my eyes tightly as my face was hidden from his view. Shut my eyes to prevent the tears from poring at the sound of my mothers name. Vivian. A name meant to mean life. A name that sent chills along my skin now.

When I returned my gaze to him, the king extended his hand to grasp mine. I hesitantly gave it to him. As his callused skin met mine, a chill snaked through my entire body. My magic seemed to tremble from his touch. My very skin cried out. My soul recoiled from the darkness that began to seep into me. King Peter bent down, and brought his lips to my hand. I almost winced at the feeling of his chapped lips on my skin. I almost retched at the wet reminence of his licked lips on my hand.

As the king stood back up he smiled at me, "Please do enjoy the ball, Lady Lila."

I smiled kindly at him and began the walk inside.

I shoved down the urge to wipe my hand on my dress and scrub it till my skin was raw, to try and cleanse the spot where his mouth had met my flesh. I swallowed down the bile that began to rise in my throat.

I stepped through the open doors of the palace and looked around. Everyone in the throne room was standing around chatting with each other. But, there was no joy in the atmosphere. The air in the large room felt tight and worried... like everyone was wondering when the king would enter... and which one of them he'd sentence to death first.

A man stood at the top of the stairs, he was announcing the names of the guests. "Lady Nia and Lord Marcus." "Lady Kathrine and Lord Grayson." Some more couples in front of us anxiously awaited the chance to be announced to the entire room of the kings guests.

I felt a hand grab my elbow, I spun around ready to bring fire down upon whoever it was. I swung my fist out towards the person's head, but was stopped by Ray's other arm. He was looking at me wide eyed as he muttered, "Easy. It's just me."

I sighed, relaxing my shoulders. He released my arms as I said, "Sorry. I'm just paranoid I guess."

He nodded, "Understandably." Anger filled his eyes, "I saw the way he looked at you... it made my skin crawl. I had to use all my control to not pounce on him and rip his heart from his chest."

I shivered as I recalled the feeling of his lips pressing lightly on my hand. "You and me both."

"Next!" The announcer called out to us.

As I approached the man I smiled sweetly at him. He returned my grin with an unamused glance along my body. "Name." The man said monotonously.

"Lady Lila." I said then looked beside me to Ray, "And Lord..."

"Peter." Ray said with a small entertained smiled. I shot him a warning look, he just winked at me. I shook my head, and pursed my lips to hide my smirk.

"Lady Lila and Lord Peter." The man said loudly, his voice still not reveling any emotions.

Apollo and Teylie were next, I was interested to hear what names they would use. While Ray and I walked down the many stairs leading to the dance floor, I heard the announcer call out, "Lady Rylan and Lord..." The announcer paused, I heard whispering then "Retep."

I heard footsteps behind us, I turned around to see Teylie and Apollo approaching. When they were standing in front of us I asked through clenched teeth, "Retep?"

Apollo scowled at Ray, "Well, this one took my idea... I had to improvise."

I gaped at him, "And you though Retep was the way to go? That's not even a name!" I whispered sternly.

Apollo smiled, his face light up with joy and pride. "It's Peter... spelled backwards."

Teylie sighed, her eyes closed as she shook her head. I just continued to gape at him. Ray was snickering, then said, "You little genius, you. I wish I would have thought of that."

I shook my head, "You two will get us all killed by the end of this."

They just snickered and highfived as Teylie and I rolled our eyes.

Trumpets sounded bringing us all back to reality. The announcer cleared his throat, "Ladies and Lords, Dukes and Duchesses, Noble men and Noble women, your attention please." I noticed the announcers voice wavered slightly in what I could only assume was fear. "Presenting their royal majesties, King Peter and Queen Alexandra!"

The entire room erupted in thunderous applause, as the king and queen walked gracefully down the steps. The kings attention went straight to me... and he smiled. The gesture was cold and sent bumps along my entire body. As the king and queen paused in the middle of the steps, the entire ballroom hissed as every guest bowed and curtsied to the sovereigns.

I looked over to my friends, we all shared the same questioning look. Should we bow to the man that we were going to eliminate? Should we bow to darkness incarnate? I knew my choice right away.


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