Chapter Twenty Two

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"A ball?" Ray asked.

I nodded, "That's what he said."

Teylie smiled wide and squealed, "I will do your hair and dress you up!"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm, and the face Apollo made at her. He curled his lip, his eyebrow shooting up, "That's the first time in a while I've seen you act like a mermaid."

Teylie blushed, looking over at him. "Is there something wrong with that?"

Apollo started, "No! I just... I haven't... no."

Ray and I glanced at each other, amusement and hidden humor in our eyes. "I would love for you to dress me up, Teylie." I said to her.

Teylie smiled at me, "I will go fetch some clothing from the shack... along with some food." She looked to Apollo and William, "Would you two like to accompany me?"

William smiled at her and offered her his elbow, "I'd love to, madam."

I caught Apollo roll his eyes and mock his father by mouthing his words over dramatically.

"I saw that, Son." William said, his back to Apollo.

Apollo sighed, a small smile on his face. He then looked to me, "We'll meet you guys at the rendezvous point."

I nodded as Ray said, "Stay safe."

Ray and I watched as the three of them walked away. When they were no longer in sight from walking down a hill, I turned to Ray. "Where is the rendezvous point?"

He looked down at me and smirked, "It's an abandoned fairy hive. It's pretty there, you'll like it."

I smiled up at him.

"But..." He said turning his whole body to face me. "We have things to do first."

"Like what?" I asked suspiciously.

"We need to get some tickets to the ball. We can't get in unless we have some."

"Where do we get those?"

Ray smirked at me, "I know a guy."


Ray and I spent the rest of the afternoon walking to the home of whoever he thought could get us into the ball.

Finally, when the sun began its descent to sleep, I saw it. A village bustling with people. I was surprised to see it there... such life and happiness swarmed there. Such... contentment. I paused before the village gate. How would my mindset change after seeing what laid behind this fence? How could I ever go back to my home after seeing the life and peacefulness of this village?

Ray gently placed his hand on my lower back, the weight of the gesture calming my thoughts. "You okay?"

I nodded slowly, "Yes... I just... the place I come from is nothing like this. This... this is life, I come from death."

Ray turned me to him, resting his hands on my shoulders. "You get to lead a new life now. You get to not just be alive... you get to live. And, Raven, I am honored that I get to live by your side." He wiped a tear from my cheek and pulled me into his embrace.

I hugged him tightly and whispered, "I'm honored to spend the rest of my life by your side, too."

"Ray Son of Petra. That can't be you, can it? I never thought in a million years I'd see you embracing someone... let alone a woman. I thought you were allergic to love." A man called out to us from over the fence.

I rose onto my tip toes to try and see him from over the top of the fence, but all I could see was the top of a mans head. He had black hair that was spiked up.

The gate rattled as the man opened it. When the gate opened, I saw a tall thin man with deep blue eyes and a handsome smile. Ray and the stranger hugged quickly, then they both looked at me. It took some effort for me to not dart behind Ray as the strange man stared intently at me. "Casmir, meet my lovely, beautiful, badass Life Mate, Raven." Ray said introducing me.

The man -Casmir- looked me up and down with a smirk. "Interesting," He muttered. He looked to Ray and shook his head, "You lucky brute."

I felt blood rush to my face at the complement. Ray continued to look at me as he said, "That I am." He then returned his gaze to Casmir and said, "We need a favor, is there some place private we can talk?"

"Why," Casmir said, feigning flattery. "I'm honored you think of me that way Ray, but in front of your Life Mate?"

A jolt of anger shot through me like lightning. But Ray only laughed, "You sly devil." He replied.

I stared at Casmir intensely with daggers in my eyes. I was tempted to send a shot of flame into him, just to push him over... but... I knew he was just joking. I had to keep reminding myself that he was just kidding.

Casmir caught my gaze and flinched. "Oh." He said, realization laced in his tone. "You're newly accepted, aren't you?" He asked Ray.

Ray then looked down at me and winced as he beheld the rage planted on my face that was directed at Casmir. Ray subtly placed a hand on my lower back. Casmir slowly peeled his gaze away from me and said softly, "Yeah, we can talk in my office."

Ray nodded. Casmir then turned and began walking towards wherever his office was. I let out a long breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. My shoulders relaxed and I shut my eyes for a second. Ray rubbed his thumb in comforting circles along my back. "Sorry. I forgot to warn you."

I looked up at him, "About what?"

He gently pushed my back to set my feet into motion then said, "About the... protective instincts. When someone says or does something to your Life Mate you feel the need to defend them. After a while you learn to push the instinct down, but at first it's hard... I should have told you, I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "That's okay. I was wondering what that was." I looked up at him and smiled softly. He smiled back and pulled me gently closer to his side. He kissed the top of my head and made a "mwah" sound as he did. I chuckled and pocked his ribs.

I saw Casmir glance back at us with a smirk. But... I didn't care.

We passed by many tall thin people. Adults were working, selling things in market stalls, and tending to fields. Children ran up and down the streets laughing. They played a game when one child would touch another, then, the child that was touched had to touch someone. I smiled as they laughed and played with joy surrounding them.

We turned and approached a small brick building with an worn oak door. Casmir unlocked it and shoved the door open with his whole body. Inside was a huge room filled with trinkets. Rusty and new. Shiny and dull. Sparkling and dimmed. All different sizes and shapes.

But in the center of the room was a desk and chair. Sitting on the desk was a golden statue of a fairy.

The fairy strangely resembled Casmir.

When I looked over at him, he was posing to look just like the statue. His arms stretched out like he was using a wand, and his left leg kicked back. I snorted at the sight, then muttered, "Charming."

Just then, the wall beside me rose up to reveal a staircase leading into pitch blackness. I whimpered as I recalled the last time I traveled underground.

Maybe I would meet a handsome dragon this time too... but I doubted it.

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