Chapter Twenty Nine

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The sound of hundreds of marching feet filled the hallways we marched in. I led the group of beasts, monsters, and creatures along side my family. I pushed open the throne room door and beheld a sight that sent anger cascading through me.

The king was relaxing in his throne looking for all the world like we were nothing but flies swarming his royal throne. The queen on the other hand, she sat next to him on her throne trembling slightly and pale faced. At least one of them had their head on straight.

"Well, it seems you've managed to reign in all the prisoners. Impressive, though I'm afraid it was all for not." A huge blast of black magic shot for us all. But I had learned my lesson from last time.

I slammed my light up in front of everyone, gritting my teeth as the power of the king slammed into it. It felt like an actual physical blow crushing against me. I reached my hands out before me and planted my feet apart, trying to gain balance as wave after wave of darkness crashed into me.

I looked up at the king as I continued to push against his ebony slams. He continued to sit in his throne. Looking relaxed, amused, and very bored. But, that was a bead of sweat running down his temple.

Another wave, stronger and harsher than any before, slammed into the shield of light I had thrown up. I fell back from the force of it, my shield collapsing along with me. I let out a yell as I was sent flying back into an ebony wall behind me. I pushed down the pain that surrounded me and tried to take my vision away. I widened my eyes trying to clear away the darkness creeping into the picture from the impact that had caused a cracking sound in my spine.

I slowly stood back up and sent another silent message into my warriors of all shapes and sizes minds. "Show him what makes you monsters."

All the beasts around me darted for the kings throne. Yells and growls and grunts filled the large room as all the creatures ran and crawled and marched for the king still sitting lazily on his throne.

A large blast of darkness flew through the room, knocking into every creature... stopping them in their tracks. As one, every beast in the room fell to the ground lifeless.


The word echoed through my mind. "No." I breathed, the sound broken and pitiful.

The king shrugged, the motion lazy and slow. "Oh well... at least you tried."

I shook my head, Ray, Apollo, and Teylie coming to stand next to me.

The king stood from his throne, I noticed his breathing was labored and uneven... we were weighing him down.

The kings harrowing gaze went to Apollo. "You." He called out, the word echoing through the now lifeless room. "You have magic..."

Apollo gasped and froze in place as his dragon pearl was lifted from around his neck. "No." I breathed a little louder.

Apollo fell to the ground... lifeless. I looked to Ray and watched as his dragon pearl was lifted from around his neck. His eyes locked onto mine... and that was pure terror in them. "Raven... I love y-" He fell to the ground beside Apollo as the king snuffed out the light in his eyes.

Teylie was kneeling beside Apollo weeping in earnest... but I couldn't hear her. Not as I stared at my Life Mates lifeless body sprawled on the ground. I heard the king sigh, then I watched as Teylie's body went limp. All I could do was stare blankly at the darkness in her still open still wet eyes.

I looked up at the king with pure flame in my eyes. He smiled at me, the gesture resembling that of a snake. "You lose." He bellowed, the words igniting something inside me. Setting something in my now broken soul on fire. Causing real flame to dance on my finger tips. Creating a cold yet burning sensation to cover my hands.

I straightened my spine, sending a sharp pain to shoot through my whole body. "Well," I said, my voice strong and emotionless. "That's too bad for you then."

The king knitted his eyebrows and tilted his head, amusement in his evil eyes. "And why is that?"

I smiled wickedly at him, and turned my body towards him, turning my back on my motionless family. "Because," I called out, pulling on that string of magic. "I'm a sore loser."

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