Chapter 2 - Aubrey

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'So yeah, that's what happened.' I said to Drizzy after he sotpped by on the same day

'So you woke up on his bed?' Drizzy said intriguied


'And you don't remember?'


'But how can you know you did it...'

'I just know.... Oh you must think I'm a whore!' I said putting my hands in my face

'No, no! Hey, of course not! Everybody had done something crazy like that!' He said patting me on the back to comfort me.

'You think?'

'Sure, of course! You know this one time, I woke up and there was a goat, a pineapple and a huge teddy bear on my bed, and I had no idea where any of it came from'

'A goat?'



'Don't ask me, i'll give you its phone number, it will explain better to you' I laughed so hard at that, see how special he was? He knew the whole situation because he was such a good listener and he never judged me for anything, I could count on him always and that made me feel very safe.

'Thank you so much for everything...'

'Hey don't take me, the chocolate.. It's the side effects of it' I laughed more and laid my head on his hcest, he smelled so good and he was really warm to, we chilled like this for the rest of the day and at the end of it, when he was about to leave, I notcie my heart splitting into two parts, one belonged to Aubrey and the other to Chris, which part should I listen too?

'DRAKE!' I called him from the door when he was almost opening his car door. I run to him and kissed him hard.

I don't know if it was the wine, or maybe even the chocolate, or maybe his perfum (I love a man who smells good), or maybe how nice he was, or maybe his voice that was so sexy and charming. I don't know, I just know that I brought him back inside the house and made love to him the whole night long.

The next mornign when I woke up, I knew what had happened, who was next to me and I liked it, but I didn't love it, some par of me was still somewhere else. But I was ready to enjoy this the most, until...

Someone knocked on the door, I got up to answer it because it was my place, I put Drake's shirt on me because it was big and it covered all my ladies part.

'Chris? What are you doing here?' I said as I opened the dorr to the unexpected

'Listen since that night I've been thinking about us and...'

'Stop, just stop right there ok?' I said to him, I really didn't want to listen and get even more fucked up than I already was. I heard movement on the bedroom and suddenly Drake screamed asking who it was.

'Oh so it's like that uh?' Chris asked, his eyes were in fury.

'It's not what you think...'

'Oh, it's just what I think' He slammed the door behind him and walked mad to his car, I could see him through the window, I had the worst feeling that I had made the wrong choice. 


Did she? What do you think Navy?

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