Chapter 10 - The result

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'I just can't believe he did this' Drake paced around the room 'I just can't....' It had been over and hour after everybody left the baby shower. he was still mad at what Chris did 'I mean, not everyone knew, it was just....'

'Ok, Drake, I get it'

'What do you mean? NOw you're mad!'

'I'm not mad, I'm just saying enough! I know he was wrong, but enough!'

He sat down on the bad next to me, it was full of chocolate and candies from the party, because when I'm nervous I eat, and with the pregnancy that's basically all I do: eat and sleep.

He was very upset, and so was I, but part of me knew that Chris was parcially right about this, I mean we shouldn't have just forgotton about him, and I shoud have taken the test earlier. I just didn't want to bother. And right now, thinking back, I realized I was stupid. Of course I have to know who the father of my baby is, it was my mistake and it's not Chris's fault I chose Drake.

'So what do we do?' He asked after a while

'Well... I'm going to that doctor'

'YOUU WHAAATT?!' He got up suddenly very upset. I tried to calm him down, by explaining to him, but he kept yelling, so what I just did was sit down again, eat my chocolate and wait for him to calm down

'Now Drake, listen.' I said when he sat down again after his speech 'I'm going to that doctor because I think it's important for me to know who my child's father is. Don't you think? I mean, there is a chance it's Chris's and how would you feel not knowing?'

'I don't know...'

'I know you're scared because it might not be your baby, but you must know: no matter what's the result, I chose YOU'

'I know...' He said kissing me on the lips and finally calming down, after that we just went to sleep, even tho I didn't close my eyes at all. I did not know how it was gonna be tomorrow and I was seriously worried.

                                                               *          *          *

'You got everything babe?' Drake yelled from the living room

'YES! Don't worry, it's not like we're having the baby now!' I said coming down the stairs

'Yeah, but you always take so long...'

'You might as well just get used to it!' I stated and he just laughed.

When we were driving to the hospital we didn't speak, I just squized his hand on the way, I was getting really nervous, for real now.

We arrived at the adress Chris had given to me yesterday and as we entered the place Chris was already there

'Good, they are here. You're late'

'Talk to her' Drake pointed

'Oh yeah, I remember...' He said upset, I was seriosuly mad at them right now, what if I get late a few minutes, or half hour or like an hour? They have to wait!

'Oh Ms. Fenty, could you please follow me? The doctor is already waiting for you.' A nurse came to talk to me, I looked at Drake and I heald his hand tight. He whispered in my ear ''It's gonna be alright'' and we kissed. 

I followed the woman thorugh a corridor until we reached a room where I was suppose to change and put that weird hospital clothes. I laid down on the hospital bed after I changed and I waited. It seemed forever until the doctor showed up.

'So... Ms. Fenty right?'


'So, what we are doing here is finding out your baby's sex, don't worry, it's an easy operation, it shouldn't take long.'

'What about the results?'

'Oh, yeah, those take over 2 hours'

'2 HOURS? Oh I don't know if I can wait!'

'You wiated 6 months! What's the hurry?' He said laughing

'I'm sorry, i'm just nervous...'

'I understand, so let's start!' He started doing some exams, some doctor's stuff and it was all done. He said I had to stay in bed because of the exams so he just called Drake to be with me in the room.

'So everything alright?' Drake asked when he enetered the room

'Yes, but it's gonna take over 2 hours...'

'2 HOURS? Ugh I can't wait that long'

'Me neither'

'You guys should have done the test earlier then!' Chris said coming into the room

'Look man, I think you've caused enough yesterday, if it was too much to ask, we'd like you to LEAVE' Drake said angry

'Oh, yeah, don't worry, I don't want no trouble. I just wanna talk to her about you know my baby!'

'You don't even know if it's your baby!' Drake said

'Oh I know... So if you could' He gestured the door

'I'm not leaving her with you here alone! Last time, she almost lost the baby!'

'Fine, you can stay, but you don't open your mouth!' 

'HOw dare you...'

'GUYS! UGh I'm tired of this ok? Drake, you can stay, but let him talk ok?'

'Fine' He sat down like a litte child on his chair.

'Ok, here is the deal Rih, look I'm sorry about that time in the hospital I made you nervous, i didn't mean to. And I'm sorry about yesterday ok? I was just nervous, I want to be able to see my child and the way you guys acted it seemed like it would never happen'

'Yeah I know, I'm sorry too, but you should have talked to me first, I would totally understand and we would come here in peace, well you two are never in peace, but you know what I mean'

'Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. And no matter who's the father... No hard feeling bro' He said referring to Drake that nodded 'And if I'm the father, I want to see him every weekend and I wanna be there every moment that he has: Fist school day, first Santa trip, fisrt everything! I want you to include me in that! I undersatnd y'all are together but I want my child to know I exist.'

'I totally agree with you, if you're the father, and you want, clearly, to take the responsabilty of being his father so I won't deny you that right. But you must understand that I cohse Drake, and no hard feeling on that, and that I want this war between you two to end, understood'

'Great.' He said smiling, it seemed like it was what he wanted to hear andg he seemed relieved after my speech. It was just Drake that looked mad.

After a few hours of silent waiting, the nurse came over with the results.

'Ok, so we did the tests and the results are...' She looked trhough the papers and it seemed like forever

'GO ON ALREADY!' I shouted and she got scared and mad. Suddenly she found the papaer she was looking for and said

'The father is... Christopher Maurice Brown'


Ok, ok! I know you guys are gonna be mad at me for that.... But I'll explain in the next chapter! I just wanted to leave this climax going on!

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