Chapter 9 - The baby shower

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'Babe, why are you rushing me?' I asked Drake as he was super excited about something he didn't want to tell me

'It's nothing, just c'mon!'

'I'm carrying a 6 moths old baby in my belly and you want me to rush?' I stated as we were at the front door

'YES RIH, THE BABY!' He screamed out of nowhere

'What is going...'

'SURPRISE!' Loads of people screamed to me as Drake opened the door, they had planned a surpise baby shower. When I saw everyone I knew: Jen, Meli, my brothers, Jay, Bey, Katy... I immediately started crying, I hated being so sensitive!

'Oh wow! You guys!' I said very emotional. As I looked around I saw the decoration all in blue, there were gists everyone and a huge poster saying ''CONGRATULATIONS, IT'S A BOY!' And below the wrinting I saw that someone wrote ''Yep, another dick in the world' That made me laugh, I'm pretty sure it was from Jen. 'Thank you very muc for the sign and everything!' I looked at Drake 'YOU! You knew it all along why didn't you tell me?'

'If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!' He said kissing me on the lips. Right then loads of people came to talk to me, caressing my belly and for some people, the baby actually moved. Right now I was talking to Jay and Bey, she had just had her second baby: Matthew, he was just a doll, we swore that they were gonna be best friends

'So, did you guys decide on a name?' Bey asked me

'Erm... I want Drew, but Drake doens't really like that name'

'Aaw it's nice!' She said nicely

Suddenly I was talking to all kind of people, family. They were all asking when me and Drake were gonna get married and I refused to say ''soon''.

The in the middle of all those people I saw my mohter talking to my other aunt. Me and her haven't talked since that night of the fight, I wasn't really sure if i was suppose to talk to her or not, but then she saw me and she was the one who approached.

'So it's a boy uh?'


'Can I?' She said showing me her hand saying that she wasnted to feel my belly.

'Of course' Immediately after she touched my belly the baby moved, she was all emtional and we just forgot all about the fight. We started talking like nothing happened

The thing is, after that fight in the hospital I kinda forgot all about Chris and I didn't even care for a apaternity test, for me the dad of my child was already Drake. He had been so nice to me and I'm falling in love with him more and more each day. But sometimes it still hunts me, I mean, the fact that Chris might be the father. What if he is? Am I Being totally unfair with him? I think I'm, but right now I don't know what to do, I feel like even if I looked for Chris he wouldn't talk to me and that Drake would be so mad at me. He still blames Chris for my preganancy being risky. If you think about it, it's kinda of his fault.

But still, that doesn't mean I should just take the baby away from him.

'Ok Rih, it's time for the presents!' Jen said getting me in the center of the attentions again. I sat down in the middle of everyone and they kept handing me gifts, they were very great gifts, some of them were very useful, some were just decorations, but I loved the diapers more. It freaked me ut that I had to change the baby almost 5 times a day, it worried me there were not enough diapers in the world. And I'm serious, I had nightmares about this.

And then suddenly, when I half way thourgh the presents, someone I didn't want to see entered the room: Chris

'Hi Rih' Everyone just stopped. From all the history between me and Chris everyone was so scared he showed up there uninvited, I saw Drake's face become scarier than ever. 'Hi everyone, thank you for inviting me to the baby shower of my child.'

There was a huge talking between people like ''Wasn't it Drake's?'' ''What is he saying?'' ''Did she cheat on Drake?''

The people that knew what happened just stared at Chris with an ugly face

'You don't know that' I finally said

'Oh, yeah that's right. You were suppose to do the patternity test by now, but you didn't. I'm guessing you're happy with living the lie that the ''perfect'' guy for you is the father of your baby'

'Look, I'm sorry I didn't ok? Let just take this outside and have a conversation' People around wouldn't even blink, they were all hiped on what was gonna happen next.

'Let's go outside and talk' Jay stepped out of the crowd and said, I guess he saw how Drake was gonna react if Chris opened his mouth one more time. He also knew what was going on.

But Chris didn't move, he just kep staring at me and my belly with a mad face.

'I don't need to talk' He said finally. 'Tomorrow you're going to this adress' He handed me a paper 'If you don't, they will be consequences.' He said almost leaving

'IS THAT A THREAT?!' Drake finally said getting up, ready to beat the hell out of Chris

'You take as you want. I want my rights.' And left.

The whole party was ruined. I did finish the gifts but no one was interested in seeing them anymore, all the wanted to do was whiper about what happened. An urge of crying came to me, Drake was outside with Jay calming down and I was here, surrounded by people, but almost felt like I was alone... Until I felt a little kick in my belly, which meant he was with me, no matter what, he was mine. Forever.

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