Chapter 11 - The population of the world + 1

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I looked down at my big 9 months old belly and I felt a sharp pain coming from it. I was alone in the house because Drizzy had left with his friends. We've been fighting since the result came out, it's not like it's my fault it's Chris's baby but his ego was clearly hurt, so he blames me for everything.

He's distant, cold and rude and I just can't stand it anymore, the way I'm just so sensitive with everything, he makes me cry almost everyday.

I looked at the phone and I called his for the 10th time, but no answer. I thought about calling Chris but I guess that would make a bigger problem if Drake showed up just in time of seeing me with Chris. Chris had been showing up at my place ever since he found out about the baby, he talks to my belly and gives me loads of gifts and as Drake had to watch without saying anything, it only makes it worst.

Chris took away his chance of being a father. But he's taking his chance of being with me.

AARRGHH, the pain was getting stronger. I had no one else to run to, so I decided to call Chris. Right when he answered I had another contraction and I screamed on the phone which made him worried.

Phone Conversation:


Me: NO, I'm having the baby, Drake's out, i don't know what to do!

Chris: Ok, don't worry, calm down, I'll be right there

Me: But what if he shows up?

Chris: This is more important now ok? We'll figure something out later

Me: AARGHH, ok, ok. COME FAST!

Chris: Ok!

He hang up and I tried to get up so I could get the baby's bag and wait in the living room. I could still walk, but I had this really weird sensation that the baby would fall of me any minute now.

After about 5 minutes Chris was already there

'How are you?'

'It's painful' I complained

'Yeah, ok, it's gonna be fine, c'mon let's go'

'What about Drizzy?'

'Rih, he's not here'

'Yeah but...' I started tearing up

'Oh, no, no, don't get nervous! You wanna wait, we'll wait!'

'Ok...' We waited for about 2 hours, the contractions were getting stronger and he kept on trying to convince me that we should leave, but I told him that labor takes hours and I musn't be not even half way there.

Suddenly Drizzy came in through the door, drunk.

'Damn woman! Called me 13 times, what's going on?' He said not being able to be on his feet

'She's having the baby you asshole' Chris said serious, I swear I knew he wanted to kill Drake

'Babe, we should go to the hospital, they have coffee there.' I said getting up

'You are gonna have a baby for that asshole, not me, you go on with him'

'Are you serious right now?'

'No...' He said laughing 'Let's go, c'mon!' He said leading us to the door. I was walking very slowly right now and Crhis was walking slowly next to me, telling me to be careful when Drake had screamed ''Whoever gets first in the car wins the baby!'' and ran for it, but he fell on the way and burst himself laughing.

I tried to control myself, not to get pissed, not to get nervous, I had to concetrate on the baby right now. Chris drived and Drake stayed with me on the back seat, I was haiving the contractions and he was imitating me on the scream and the faces which actually made me laugh a little. He was smiling at me, I don't, I think he had no idea of what he was doing.

We arrived at the hospital and Chris signed us in, so we got our separate room. Drake helped me lay down on the hospital bed and a nurse came to see if everything was alright.

'You're 4 centimeters yet. It's gonna take a while.'

'Ugh, are you serious?' She nodded and left

'How many do you need?' Drake asked

'I need 10'

'Oh, 5 to go' He said dumbly

'You mean 6' Chris answered

 'If you say so smartass' Drake said laughing. I gestured to Chris that he needed to calm down. It was only 2AM we would probably be here for hours...

'Drake, sleep' I said bossy to Drake gesturing the couch, he apparently thought it was a good idea and crashed on the couch. When he wakes up, I was hoping he wouldn't be drunk anymore.

Hours passed and the contractions got worst than ever. I was 9 centimeteres away, only half hour to go. Suddenly when I was having the worst pain of the night and Crhis was holding my hand, Drake woke up

'So it's like this then?' He said gesturing me and Chris 'I fall asleep and this is how it works?'

'NO, Drake, it's...'

'It's ok Rih, really. I just can't do this right now, you be with him, he's the fathe rof the child, it makes no sense for US to be together.' He said leaving, Chris tried to go after him but I called him back

'Did he just break up with me?' I asked Chris, he didn't say anything, so I just started crying.

'CHRIIIS, THE BABY IS COMING NOOOW!' He quickly called a nurse and between my sobs, the pain and the sweat she helped calm down. The doctor was almost here.

'Hey you two. And now three, look at that, you can see its head!'

'TAKE IT OUT NOWW!' I begged her, she laughed, which made me angrier and we started pushing and pushing and pushing.

I thought this was the hardest thing I ever had to do. That it would be a lot of work and pain, but when I saw my baby boy, crying, alive and healthy: I just knew it was all worth it. Suddenly everything bad in the world just went away. It was like Drake didn't leave, ot that Chris wasn't the father, or that my granny didn't pass away. Suddenly everything was good and there was light and hope in the world, for that little baby, I dedicate my whole life.


I know I left things a little like: not resolved, but in the next chapter, which will be the last, there will be a clearing for everything. The last 2 chapters actually.

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