Chapter 5 - Choices

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I stayed in Europe for another week, then I would take a break from my tour. I needed to go back to L.A. As I was taking the plane, I was so nervous, I told both Drake and Chris to come to my place the next night so I could talk to them, about the baby.

Both Jen and Melli believed it would be the best choice. I still believed it wasn't, I mean I wanted to be sure who the father was so I could make a decision, but that would take 6 months and by then, my baby bump is already gonna be huge and everybody will know about it. I really don't know what's is going to happen when everybody finds out,t hey are probably gonna judge me and all sort of stuff, but then, that's what everybody does anyway so...

'Home sweet home' Jen said as we entered my mansion in L.A. She had her own room that she loved so she ran to it happily leaving her bags still at the hall

'Yeah, home...' My home was Barbados, I'd never see this as a 'home' and plus I was nervous cuz in a few hours I'd change 2 lives forever. Mine was already ruined so...

'Are we gonna stay long?' Jen said with a puppy face

'About a week'

'That's long for me, yay!' She said hugging me, but when she notice I wasn't feeling well she pulled away 'What's it? Are you feeling ill again?'

'A little bit, but mostly i'm just nervous...'

'Oh yeah, don't worry, if one of them say no, I'll just punch them in the face' That made me feel better cuz it made me laugh, Jen was just the best.

'Yeah... Thanks' Even after what Jen said I was still feeling awkward...

I still had to get used to the fact that there was a life inside of me, it was so weird, even tho it caused all that confusion, I had so much love for that child... 

'Rih, will you ge the door, I'm changing' I heard Jen scream to me from her room

'Sure!' I went to the door and when I opened it I had a surprise 'Drake? What are you doing here?'

'Well hello to you too' He said kissing me on the cheek 'I know I was suppose to come tomorrow, but I realized tomorrow I won't be able to come, so I came today...'

'Oh great, come on in...' Damn it! I was suppose to tell both of them together, Drake and Chris, what am I suppose to do now?

'So... What did you have to tell me?'

'Are you curious?' I asked him

'Damn curious! You know I hate when someone says ''Can we talk?'' Like, I get so nervous.... I get like ''What can it be?'' He said laughing, but I knew he just wanted to kill me

'Yeah... sorry...'

'That's ok... What's it?'

'Drizzy... I can't tell you because...' The door rang again

'Hi Ri... What is he doing here?' Chris said as he enetered the house and confronted with Drake

'Y'all, no fighting ok?' I was glad Chris was here, but I just didn't want them to kill each other! 'I'm glad you're here Chris, now we can all talk like grown people'

'I'm not gonna talk to him!' Drake said

'Great you'll be talking to me!' I said, but it didn't make any effect, cuz they were still satring at each other like crazy, this was NOT a good idea. 'You both sit down, please' Both of them looked for a seat on the living room as apart as possible from each other, I swear to God I thought they were both 5 years olds...

'Ok, can we act like adults now?' They looked at each other with anger and then at me again and both of their looks changed from being mad to being nice. 'Ok the reason I called you both here is that we all have something in common now... Now it, that's not right... Let me start again, the reason I called you boht here is that I have this thing.... Oh wait that's not right....'

'Rih just say it!' Drake said

'Calm down Drizzy ok?'

'Drizzy? You call this asshole Drizzy? That's lame' Chris said laughing...

'At least she calls me something toher than asshole, cuz that's what you're!' Drake replied

'What did you call me?' Chris said getting up

'An ASSHOLE, do you me to speel it for ya? A-S-S-H-O-L-E' 

'No, Chris!' I had to run to be in the middle of them so they didn't start a fight, Drake was really asking for it, but Chris started it... 'Y'all are just such childs! Could you please stop fighting and listen to me?'

'You can't even say what it is!' Chris said

'Give me sometime ok? It's a big deal... I don't know how to say it....' I said looking down, they both sat down again on their separate chairs and looked at me ready to listen 'Thank you'

'RIH! I'm out of toillet paper, could you bring me some?' Jen screamed from the bathroom, all of us started laughing, which was good for breaking the ice. I wanted to bring her the paper, but I didn't want to leave them both alone...

'Ok Chris, you got to Bob's room, you know whwere it is and Drake you wait here, I'll be right back' Chris followed me to my Bob Marley room and waited there, I went to Jen's room with the paper in my hands and ahnded it to her

'Thanks Rih...'

'Jen, they are here?'

'WHA? You telling me I yelled....'

'Yes! I ahven't told them yet! What do I do?'

'I think you should just be direct! Just tell them already!'

'I don't know it's a bit of a shock don't you think?'

'Yeha but they'll get over it, now go!

I went back to the living room with Chris behind me, he sat down again as I was preparing myself...

'Ok, I'm just gonna say it ok...'

'Ok' They both said it at the same time.

'I'm pregnant'

Both of their reactions were different, Drake just looked really shocked and could stop screaming ''How, why, when and who'' And Chris just looked like he was about to die but didn't say anything... Until

'Wait, who's the father?' He asked

'Ok, this si the tricky part, I don't know, it's either one of you'

'YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?' Chris screamed

'Chris calm down!' Drake wasn't shocked that I had slept with Chris because he already knew, he already knew pretty much everything.

'But, when will we be able to find out who's the father?' Drizzy asked

'Erm... I went to the doctor and she said  that we had to wait for the baby to be a little grown so it'll take about 6 months'

'SIX MOTHS?' They both screamed at the same time

'Well this is crazy... This is insane!' Chris started pacing around the room 'How... But man...' He kept repeating

'Look, I'm sorry i put you thorugh this, I don't expect any of you to be responsible for the baby, I'm just telling you because... Well Jen made me and also I think you ahd the right to know...'

They didn't say anything anymore, they just kept staring shocked at the floor or at the wall. I was really feeling bad right now, what if any of them wanted to be a part of this, what would I do?

'Ok, please say something! It's been too long...' I said desparately

'I don't know Rih, I think I need some air...' Drizzy said leaving

'Yeah me too' Chris agreed with Drake for the first time tonight... And for the first time ver, I felt as lonely as ever...


Ok I hope y'all like the update! I'm sorry that I took so long to update, it's a busy year for me... Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!

P.S.: I'm loving your comments! It's so great! :DD Keep it up!

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