2. Let the flames begin

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"You could have done anything else." I hissed, looking directly into Mark's cold eyes. "You could have refused to do it. You could have been brave. You know what grief is like. Didn't you think about how Kayley's mother would suffer?"

Mark's eyes flashed with anger. "I did what I had to do." he said coldly. "I wanted my daughter back. Do you think I wanted the Dark Lord to kill her? I would do anything to bring her back. Wouldn't you do the same for your parents?"

His words had struck a chord within me. Of course I wanted them back. I couldn't remember them, I only had pictures and imagination to build an image of them in my mind. If it was possible for them to be back to life... I would do anything.

"See, Aurora?" Mark whispered. "Me and you. We're the same."

I struck Mark across the face, a red mark pulsing on his cheek. "We are not the same." I spat, my voice shaking. "You are a murderer and a liar! And it's not possible to bring back the dead, even I know that!"

"He promised me I'd see my daughter again, don't you understand that?" Mark hissed, angry tears budding in his eyes. 

"And you will." I said firmly. "When you die. Just like when I die, I know my parents will be waiting for me."

Mark smirked. "What's so funny?" I questioned.

"That's where the two of us are different, I suppose." He smirked. "I'm loyal until there's no reason to be loyal. You're brave to the point of pure insanity."

"Well I've never killed anybody." I hissed.

"Oh, but I'm sure that I'm your first victim, right?" Mark said, his eyes glinting in my direction. "I'm right, aren't I? I see that darkness in your eyes, it's always been there... right from when you were a baby."

A shiver went up my spine. "You don't know the first thing about me."

"But you're going to." Mark said in a superior tone. "I was always good at reading people in school, even James agreed. I was always the smart one, helping them...."

My mind flickered with an idea. There was one way of making him suffer without killing him. I could do what Cameron had did to Cole, cause Mark the pain he deserved.

"But you weren't smart enough to keep a wand." I said quickly. "Cr--"

"Expelliarmus!" Mark shouted, and he thrust a wand out of his pocket. My wand went soaring out of my hand, landing at the foot of the wardrobe.

I scrambled towards it, needing any form of defence against this monster. But rough hands grabbed at my hair, a scream of terror escaping my lips. With my eyes watering and hair falling out in clumps around me, I kicked out at Mark, hitting him where it hurt. 

My body hit the floor, and I started to crawl across the floor, desperate for any chance of escapism. But then hands were on my body, dragging me to my feet. "NO!" I screamed. "You let go of me!"

But Mark didn't listen to my screams. His fingers dug into my arms, and with one swift movement, shoved me against the attic wall. The force of his impact made me fall onto the floor, slightly dazed.

My hands continued to fight and struggle, but Mark had grabbed the old Christmas lights. He was wrapping them around my body as if I was an alive Christmas tree ready for a sick present of his. Still, I continued to struggle, until I was tied to one of the large support beams of the attic.

"So you kept one." I said through gritted teeth. "How wonderful."

Mark stroked his wand lovingly. "Yes, I did. Just in case a situation like this ever arose."

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