24. The Promise

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Moments later, I appeared outside St Mungo's, which of course was disguised as an old clothes shop. A rusty red beetle car was parked just outside, and three people were climbing out. I admired the car for a few moments, until I realised who the driver was.

It was Arthur, wrapped up in a thick coat and a beanie hat and wearing a worried expression. "Rory!" he said, looking relieved to have spotted me.

"Hey, Arthur." I said, as Cole's cousin gave me a big hug. "How are you?"

"Better now that I can see Cole." he looked around anxiously before lowering his voice. "My Aunt and Camille are a nightmare to drive around, I nearly crashed the car twice."

"Arthur, who is this?" A woman spoke in a thick Bulgarian accent as she climbed out the back of the rusted car.

This had to be Cole's mother, Elena. She was a short woman with olive skin and thick brown hair that was tied in a braid down her back. She was dressed very smartly, a travelling cloak with a furry hood thrown over her. Her eyes were very dark--and I realised that they were the exact eyes that Cameron had.

"I'm Aurora," I said awkwardly. "Aurora Potter. It's so nice to meet you, Mrs Wilde."

"Ms," Elena sniffed. "I got rid of that копеле months ago."

"Mama," the girl next to her--Camille-- frowned. "Don't be rude to her."

Camille looked so much like Alia, it was quite spooky. They were of the same height, and she shared the same crazy brown curls (though her's was in a thick side ponytail) and the strange violet-blue tinge of eyes. She was dressed a lot more formally than Alia would, with a pleated skirt and thick black robe--not to mention the thick pair of glasses she wore.

"It's alright, Camille." I said to her. "I think your mother must be stressed at the moment."

"I am here, you know." Elena sniffed superiorly. "Who are you then? Arthur's girlfriend? Or is he still kidding himself that he likes boys?"

Arthur went bright red. "I like boys and girls, Aunt Elena, I told you this. And anyway, Rory isn't my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend--Eloise."

"Are you my son's girlfriend?" Elena asked abruptly.

"Gosh, no. That's Gennie, Cole is like a brother to me." I assure her, trying to at least attempt to be polite to this severe woman. "I know where his room is, if you want to come with me."

"Lead me to my boy, I need to see him immeadiatly." Elena said, gesturing at me to enter the hospital. "I have allowed distance to come between us for so long..."

I entered the hospital, and Arthur hurried beside me, seeming eager to get away from his Aunt and cousin. "I love them, I really do--but Aunt Elena annoys the hell out of me somtimes."

"She seems... nice." I said lamley, navigating through the hospital wards.

"She is, she's just... a bit of a handful sometimes." Arthur said sheepishly.

"Don't think I can't hear you, Arthur Wilde." Elena said sharply. "I might be getting older, but that doesn't mean I can't hear you."

We made our way onto Cole's ward, and we were stopped by a healer who asked to speak to Elena about Cole's condidition. "You three go and see him," she said, waving us along. "Warn him I'm coming.. The last time we spoke, it was not pleasent."

So we entered the hospital room, and Cole looked up eagerly. He was still looking bored, but drinking a bottle of water Gennie had gotten him. She was still there, and looking much more relaxed.

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