38. The only one he feared

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"Shut up Cole, shut up!" I screamed, trying to break free of his hold on me. "He can't be, he can't be!"

Cole didn't understand why I was fighting and kicking at him, but it was only logical. There were people hiding in the mirror, I heard them whispering. Sirius was only joking, he was hiding from Bellatrix before attacking her when she least suspected it...

He couldn't be gone. "Sirius!" I shouted again. "Stop it, the joke isn't funny anymore!"

"I'm sorry Rory, I'm so sorry." Cole said, and he sounded near tears. "I wish it was a joke, I wish it was. But it's not, he's dea--"

"HE'S NOT DEAD!" I screamed, my breath becoming short as panic set in.

The battle was recontinuing between death eaters and the order, my friends running around aimlessly to find some way to escape. But it was just a buzz in the back of my mind, compared to my mind which was filled with one word: Sirius. 

He couldn't be gone. He promised. He promised us we could be a family. He couldn't just leave without saying goodbye... So I struggled against Cole, waiting for Sirius to spring forward from the mirror, hug me and tell me not to worry, he was here, he was alive.

But a dark thought crept into my mind. Sirius had never stayed away intentionally. He'd found me as a dog, before I even knew who Sirius Black was... He risked his life for us almost every day, could it be possible that Sirius wasn't responding to my screams because he was dead?

There was a loud bang and a yell from behind the dais where we hid. I saw Kingsley, yelling in pain, hit the ground. Bellatrix Lestrange turned and ran, avoiding the spells being aimed her way.

There was a ferocity in the spells that hadn't been there before, it was anger, anger she'd taken someone away from us. Sirius was really gone.

Harry began sprinting after her, and that fuelled me on to make this woman pay. I wanted her to feel pain that was spreading through my heart and making my head spin. I wanted to hear her shriek in pain, and see green light heading towards her like Sirius did.

I swiftly elbowed Cole in the face and made a break for it. I ran down the stairs after Harry and Bellatrix, ignoring the screams of my friends behind me. There was a hollow empty feeling in my heart and my head was spinning, as if my body could feel the absence Sirius was creating already.

Everything was a blur from tears and I tripped several times, and nearly gave up. What was the point in fighting when everything seemed futile. But then a scream chanting "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK" seemed to wake up my grief, turning it into a weapon.

My strides become stronger, and my wand was held to my chest, ready to hurt that monster who dared to take my family away from me.

I skidded into the Atrium, to see Bellatrix at the other end, laughing hysterically. I raised my wand, ready to fight, but she fired before I could think of a spell. A hand grabbed my foot, and I crashed to the floor next to the fountain.

It was of course, Harry. He had tracks of tears down his cheeks, but he also had a fire in his eyes that showed he was prepared to fight. "Thought you'd miss out on getting revenge." He commented.

"She has to pay." I said fiercly, my voice sounding empty.

"Come on out little Potters!" She giggled. "I thought you were going to fight, try to avenge my dear cousin."

"We are!" Harry shouted, his voice echoing.

"Ahh, did you love him, little Potter?"

A tidal wave of anger that had been hiding inside me for years--at Mark, at Cameron, at Umbridge, Voldemort and now Bellatrix--overflowed, and I jumped up, screaming, "Crucio!"

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