35. Out of the fire

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Harry was picked up from the floor by several examiners, and led out of the hall a gibbering mess. Panicing, I looked around to see everybody staring after Harry, no longer interested in the papers.

I caught eye contact with Cole, who mouthed 'Faint'. I understood immeadiatley. Recalling Cole's movements when he fainted last year in the hall, I rolled my eyes back and allowed my chair to send me crashing to the floor.

I whacked my head and my chest was tight from being winded, but I didn't care. Another examiner helped me up, asking if I was okay. I mumbled that I was, shooting Cole a look of graitude as I left.

--"I'm not going... I don't need the hospital wing... I don't want..." Harry was muttering as I came out of the hall. "Rory?"

"Fainted, I think the exam got to me." I said, staring him dead in the eye so he would understand. "Did you see...?"

I couldn't bear to say the words out loud. If Harry hadn't seen it, then maybe it wasn't real. He nodded, a pained expression on his face.

"Well why not you both have some water and go back into the exam?" The examiner asked kindly. "Exam stress gets to us all, I'm sure you can round off an answer--"

"Yes," said Harry wildly. "I mean... no... I've done - done as much as I can, I think..."

"Yeah, yeah, it'd be better if we just rest." I mumbled, begging to the examiner to let us go

"Very well, very well," said the old wizard gently. "I shall go and collect your examination papers and I suggest that you go and have a nice lie down."

"We'll do that." I said, forcing a smile. "Thanks very much."

As soon as he disapeared, Harry grabbed my hand and we ran as well always did. We didn't speak, but we knew exactly where we were heading.

We emerged into the hospital wing, where Madam Pomfrey was spoon-feeding Montague.

"What do you both think you're doing?"

"We need to see Professor McGonagall," Harry said, breathless. "Now... it's urgent!"

"She's not here, Potter," said Madam Pomfrey sadly. "She was transferred to St. Mungo's this morning. Four Stunning Spells straight to the chest at her age? It's a wonder they didn't kill her."

"She's... gone?" Everything was closing in on me, no this couldn't be happening. She was the last teacher we could trust here...

Harry and I looked at each other with pained expressions, the terror inside me rising. I had counted on McGonagall to tell us if Sirius was safe or not, now what could we do?

"I don't wonder you're shocked, Potter," said Madam Pomfrey, with a kind of fierce approval in her face. "As if one of them could have Stunned Minerva McGonagall face-on by daylight! Cowardice, that's what it was... despicable cowardice... if I wasn't worried what would happen to you students without me, I'd resign in protest."

"Yeah.." Harry trailed off.

As the bell went through the school, Harry gave me a look that I understood well. We left the hospital wing in a hurry, pushing through the crowds of students, only one thought on my mind: Sirius, Sirius, Sirius.

"Harry! Rory!" It was Cole, who'd appeared out of the crowd, followed by Ron, Hermione, Gennie and Sam.

"Are you both okay? Are you ill?" Hermione asked.

"Come with us," Harry said quickly. "Come on, we've got to tell you something."

We found an empty classroom and the seven of us stood facing each other. I looked at Harry, unable to say the words. "Voldemort has Sirius."

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