33. Balance is restored

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As Fred and George's escape was spoken of for the next few weeks, I could tell it was going to become  a Hogwarts Legend. In the first couple of days, many people spoke about copying them. 

A few times every day I'd hear people in the corridor say things like: "Sometimes I want to jump on my broom and leave this place" or "Ugh, another lesson like that and I might do a Weasley."

They weren't going to be forgotten soon. They hadn't given instructions how to get rid of the swamp, so it just stayed on the corridor roped off. I was almost sure McGonagall or Flitwick could have gotten rid of it, but liked watching Umbridge struggle.

People were also trying to be the next Fred and George. Alia was doing a great job at it, selling their products on the down low and almost always casually dropping stink bombs outside Umbridge's office.

Filch and the squad tried to punish people, but there were so many that nobody could be caught. Mysterious things kept happening to the members though, some sprouting antlers, some had strange skin with the same apperance as cornflakes.

On the other hand, Draco and I weren't completley talking after a few weeks. We'd awkwardly smile and say hi if we passed in the corridor, but neither of us had actually made the move to make things better. It sucked, but there were more important things than my love life at the moment.

One of the best things that happened after Fred and George left was the huge figure of snackboxes they'd sold. In almost every class of Umbridge's, people would start throwing up, having nose bleeds and fainting.

She didn't seem to appreciate it when Alia dubbed the third year's illnesses as 'Umbridge-itis' a name which spread around the school quickly.

One of the best things I witnessed was when I was waiting for Sam and Arthur by the hall one day. I saw McGonagall walking right past Peeves, who was loosening a crystal chandelier, and could have sworn I heard her tell him, “It unscrews the other way.” 

But one bad thing was that Montague hadn't recovered from being in the vanishing cabinet incident, and his parents were seen entering the school one morning looking angry.

“Should we say something?” said Hermione in a worried voice, pressing her cheek against the library window so that she could see Mr. and Mrs. Montague marching inside. “About what happened to him? In case it helps Madam Pomfrey cure him?” 

“Course not, he’ll recover,” said Ron indifferently. 

“Anyway, more trouble for Umbridge, isn’t it?” said Harry in a satisfied voice. 

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were in the library with Arthur, who was attempint go help us with charms work.

 Ron’s cup grew four very thin spindly legs that hoisted the cup off the desk with great difficulty, trembled for a few seconds, then folded, causing the cup to crack into two. 

"You're almost there, Ron, you just need to make better movements." Arthur said, poking the broken cup.

“Reparo,” said Hermione quickly, mending Ron’s cup with a wave of her wand. “That’s all very well, but what if Montague’s permanently injured?” 

"There is that--what if Fred, George and Ben get in trouble?" I wondered.

"I don't really care to be honest." Arthur said, surprising all of us. Arthur was very forgiving and kind, he wouldn't wish pain on someone.

"Because he took points of our hosues?" Ron asked.

"No, I don't really care about that--even though it was unfair." Arthur shrugged. "But when Ben and I came out he was a real homophobic prat. ."

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