14. Something to come back to

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"She's an old hag." Harry hissed to me as he emerged from Umbridge's office. He had just done his third detention, and I had waited loyally for him until gone midnight.

"I would use stronger words, but she is." I sighed. We walked down the length of the corridor, and then I sat Harry down on the windowsill. "Put your hand out."

It was bright red and weeping blood as the cuts healed over. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a pile of bandages and disinfectant I'd stolen from the hospital wing. Slowly, I poured the disinfectant onto Harry's hand, and he swore as it burnt.

"Stop squirming, it'll prevent infection." I said sternly, making sure every inch of the cuts were hygienic. Then I began wrapping the bandages around the cuts and pulling them tightly to avoid any dirt or grime getting in them.

Tying a knot on Harry's hand, I admired my handiwork. "There!" I said, patting his mummified hand. "Is that better?"

Harry nodded. "It'll just get ripped open tomorrow."

"But it won't get infected, and it'll lessen your chances at getting scars." I said logically. "I think. I'm not very good at this nursing crap."

Harry patted my head affectionately. "You're better than you think, sis." he got to his feet. "Are you coming back to the tower?"

I shook my head. "Cole said he heard from Gennie who heard from Dennis Creevy that Alia's lurking around somewhere. I've been given orders to drag her back."

Harry nodded. "Don't be too late though, okay?"

I nodded, and settled into my place on the windowsill as Harry's figure retreated further down the corridor. I wasn't even sure why I had agreed to dragging Alia back to the tower in the first place. She was a teenager, with practically a boyfriend--she could maker her own choices about how late to stay out.

But as soon as I thought this, I heard giggles coming down the corridor. I stuck my head out, to see Colin Creevy and Alia heavily snogging against a wall. It seems she also aquired Cole's need for passionately making out with the ones they loved.

"Alia!" I hissed into the darkness. Nothing. "Alia Emmeline Wilde!" I hissed louder.

Still she didn't turn. It was time for drastic actions. I reached into my pocket and got out the bandages, and threw them. They hit Colin right in the back of the head, causing a head collision between the two of them.

"What the hell?" Alia hissed, rubbing at her head. "Cole? I swear to God--"

"It's me." I said loudly, and I went over to the two of them. I clapped Colin on the shoulder. "Nice to see you guys finally got together. However, it's not a good idea to do so in the corridors past midnight."

Alia folded her arms over her chest. "You're out here past midnight."

"I was waiting for Harry to come from his detention." I said. "Couldn't you both just do that in the common room or something?"

"Cole shouts at us." Colin said, turning bright pink. "It was Alia's idea, not mine."

Alia hit him on the arm. "Great going, Col. Now Cole will have somebody to blame once we go back to the common room!"

"I think he'll blame both of you, to be honest." I rolled my eyes. "It's a school night, you guys need to sleep! God, when did I turn into Jenna... Anyway, we'd better head back to the common room--"

But I was interrupted by an obnoxious 'hem hem'. With an awful feeling, I turned around to see a furious looking Umbridge. "I think that would be the best idea, wouldn't it Miss Potter?"

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