7. Breakaway

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I woke up to feel a searing pain in my stomach. I rolled over onto my stomach and groaned. "You okay?" Gennie's voice came through my sleep-hazed mind.

"I think I just got stabbed in my stomach." I mumbled, pressing my face down into the pillow.

"Sorry about that." Gennie hissed sheepishly. "I couldn't think of another way to wake you up."

I fumbled for the old alarm clock on the bed side table. It was about twenty to six in the morning. "Why have you woken me up so early? I was enjoying getting actual sleep."

Over the last few days, my nightmares had begun to get cut down. I still had flashes of Kayley or Jenna, but they weren't nearly as intense. I had crawled into Gennie's bed almost every night, and her presence helped to keep the nightmares out for some odd reason.

"Well it's Harry's trial today." Gennie whispered. "Tonks told me yesterday they were leaving about six. You might be able to catch him before he leaves."

Of course. Today was Harry's trial. I had tried to push it out of my mind, as worrying wasn't good for me trying to stay sane. The last week I'd thrown myself into cleaning out the house with everybody else, hoping cleaning would give me a feeling of acomplishment.

It didn't.

"Right." I said, rolling out of bed onto the floor with a bump. "I'll go see him. Get back to sleep."

"I'll be happy to." Gennie mumbled, and sank back into her pillows.

I groped around in the darkness for something to put over my pyjamas. I found a hoodie and a pair of trainers, before I stumbled out of the door.

It was deserted in the corridors for once, everything silent and almost peaceful. There was a slight mumbling coming from the kitchen, and I followed the sound--being careful not to wake anybody (or Mrs Black's portrait).

I pushed the kitchen door open, to find several figures huddled around the kitchen table. Mr Weasley was dressed in a suit, sat next to a tired looking Uncle Remus and Sirius. Tonks was half-asleep on the table, and Mrs Weasley was pouring tea in her dressing gown.

Harry was sat in a clean t-shirt and his smarter jeans, and smiled weakly when he saw me. We were on better terms than we had been, but there was still a lingering awkwardness in the air. He didn't mention all the dark things I told him, but I could sense him always watching me warily.

"Oh, Rory!" Mrs Weasley said in shock, almost dropping the tea-pot. "I didn't see you there! Why are you up so early, dear?"

"Gennie told me you guys were leaving soon." I said, taking a seat next to Harry. "I thought I'd come down to see you off."

"What do you want, Harry?" Mrs. Weasley called. "Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast? Rory, do you want anything--or are you off to bed soon?"

"Just - just toast, thanks," said Harry.

"I'll have some toast too, please." I said, suddenly feeling hungry. I'd slept for about nine hours--the most I'd slept in months--so I should be fine to just stay awake.

Remus glanced at Harry and I, then said to Tonks, "What were you saying about Scrimgeour?"

"Oh... yeah... well, we need to be a bit more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me funny questions..."

I felt vaguely glad I didn't have to join the conversation. I wasn't sure what to say to Harry in any case. He looked pale, and kept playing with the hem of his jacket.

Mrs. Weasley placed a couple of pieces of toast, with butter and marmalade in front of us. I ravenged my toast down, feeling hungrier than I had in days. I even ended up eating half of Harry's, who was regarding his toast like he was eating carpet.

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