Two whales? Two whales.

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I woke the next morning to the ping of my phone.
Unknown number
Hi, it's Nathan I got ur number from Juliet I wanted to say thanks for the studying. Two whales? My treat.

Sure I'd love too what time.

Nathan 🐳
Asap I'm already dressed I'll meet you at the lot.

Well fuck, I wasn't expecting Nathan to invite my for breakfast, but food is food. I dress into something casual but socially expectable, Saturday, thank god. It was still hot for September so I wore something breezy.

I was in a rush so I threw my hair up into anything suitable, and headed for the lot

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I was in a rush so I threw my hair up into anything suitable, and headed for the lot. Nathan was resting agains his truck on his phone texting whoever, I waved shyly. "Hey" he smiled, a smile not a lot of people see, genuine.

When we were sat in the car he put on a CD Nathan's taste in music was the same as mine, different. We parked at the two whales car park, my mouth already watering I was so hungry, we took a booth sitting opposite each other, " I appreciate it you know, tutoring me not a lot of people would do that, especially for me"
" it was not problem Nathan really, I'm glad to help". I felt sorry for Nathan not a lot of people like him and I want to know why I like Nathan but something about him is... secretive.

"What can I get you then " Nathan said after I looked at the menu over head the kitchen. "It has to be Belgium waffles." Iv not had waffles here in years. "Well look here, y/n y/l/n " Joyce. Price was a close friend of my mom. "Joyce, hi " still working at the diner. "What can I get you kids." Nathan ordered our food I was grateful and thanked him back in the truck, who expected generosity from Nathan, the way some people talk about him, max being one of them, max was in most my classes and she always asked how could I stand him. Why do people hate him so much, i want to find out.

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